Return of Memoryfest - Day 20/31

Jan 19, 2007 23:31

20. High School

Oops. )

memoryfest ii

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Comments 17

mer_duff January 20 2007, 05:26:16 UTC
Adrenaline is an amazing thing!

I was in Fiji a few years ago playing in a field hockey tournament. One afternoon, my team was playing on a field just on the other side of the main stadium. The opposition hit a long ball off the endline, so as a considerate goalie I let my defenders have a rest and jogged after it. I started to throw the ball back onto the field, but I'd impinged my shoulder a couple of seasons before and I was still mentally blocked about throwing hard overhand, so I switched mid-throw to some sort of weird underhand motion that sent the ball sailing sideways over the stadium wall, much to the amusement of everyone watching. Several of my teammates were laughing so hard it was a bit of a challenge to get the game started again (even after we'd tracked down another ball).


bironic January 20 2007, 14:32:57 UTC
Oh, dear. And to have done it in front of so many people!


topaz_eyes January 20 2007, 05:26:59 UTC
Maybe you were trying to say something? :-)

I mercifully forget most of my experience having my wisdom teeth removed. I do remember it involved general anesthetic, puking a couple times on the way home, and lots of Tylenol with codeine. And watching X-Files while buzzed. That was fun.

Though if anyone is really looking for surreal viewing experiences, try watching either Teletubbies or Booh-bah while buzzed. Oy. :-)


elynittria January 20 2007, 05:33:06 UTC
I do remember it involved general anesthetic,

Lucky you! They used local for my extraction, and even though they assured me I wouldn't feel a thing, I certainly did. Of course, there was no way to let them know that, since I couldn't talk and wasn't coordinated enough to try to hit the oral surgeon on the arm to get his attention.

BTW, I love that icon!


topaz_eyes January 20 2007, 06:05:44 UTC
One oral surgeon I went to (who didn't do the surgery) said my wisdom teeth were so far back they were actually in my throat. :-\ I got general because they needed to remove some of the bone to extract the teeth. Charming.

And thank you re the icon! I made this one. Feel free to steal. :-)


bironic January 20 2007, 14:39:33 UTC
Eugh, how horrible. Sounds like one of my mom's favorite stories about her childhood dentist, who'd tell her to raise her arm if it hurt and then she'd be waving her arm around but he'd just keep going.

When I went, it took several extra injections until one of the areas was numb, but they were kind enough (imagine! patients being grateful that their surgeons care whether they're in pain) to check and keep shooting me up till we were sure. Then it was Beethoven in headphones and a lot of cracking and pushing.


nightdog_barks January 20 2007, 05:46:38 UTC
The only thing I can remember is being told once that I only have three wisdom teeth (never extracted, thank you very much), and later reading an article that suggested human beings were evolving to the point where fewer wisdom teeth were the norm.

That's all I've got tonight.


thewlisian_afer January 20 2007, 06:37:01 UTC
:: stomps feet :: I had five! And I had to have all of them taken out! :: angry face of dooooooooom :: The experience wasn't actually all that bad, but I'm so damn tired of always being weird!


roga January 20 2007, 10:00:06 UTC
Seriously? I am so relieved right now. For the past few years I've been certain that every year I've been growing a new wisdom tooth, which I thought was insane since I haven't heard of anyone with more than two before.

Haven't had to extract any of them ye--um, *knock on wood*.


bironic January 20 2007, 14:41:48 UTC
Lucky duck. I had four and they were all impacted.

I remember reading that too. Like the appendix and prehensile toes, wisdom teeth no longer serve any useful purpose and are fading away with the generations.

Hope you're feeling better today.


thewlisian_afer January 20 2007, 10:46:48 UTC
XD I don't even know what you look like, but my little mental picture of you has this "Oops!" look on her face. hahaha ♥ And nothing's popping up based on your memory, so yoday you get another totally random one from me!

Once Upon A Crime was released in 1992, which was the year I turned eight. It was the first PG movie I was ever allowed to see, and it was the first time I ever saw a movie without my parents. My godmom took me to see it. I can't remember anything about the movie except there was a dachshund (which was the reason I begged to see it -- I love dachsies) and I thought Cybill Shepherd was really pretty. What I do remember vividly was that I was allowed popcorn (WITH BUTTER OMG) and candy (Skittles!) and I was also allowed to have Sprite instead of diet soda.


bironic January 20 2007, 14:43:50 UTC
:D Cute. The first movie I went to, with my dad, was Sesame Street's Follow That Bird, and the first one I remember seeing without my parents was Free Willy, with my friend E. (of crickets fame) and her mom. We each had one of those clear plastic-wrapped spherical lollipops with "gourmet" flavors.


thewlisian_afer January 20 2007, 17:06:55 UTC
I don't know if I can remember the very first movie I went to. But I have vivid memories of my mother leading me out of the theater by my hand at the end of All Dogs Go to Heaven because I couldn't see to walk on my own because I was sobbing. XD That came out the year I turned four.

The Little Mermaid came out that same year and it was the first movie I ever went to see with just Daddy. He's really not a movie person. We've only been to four other movies by ourselves: The Sixth Sense, The Ring, The Village and The Jacket.

And the first movie I ever saw ALL BY MYSELF (which is my favorite way to see movies) was the remake of Psycho which came out the year I turned fourteen. I thought it was so cool. Daddy came inside to buy my ticket (because it was rated R) and then he and my mother left to go shopping while I stayed for the movie. I felt so independent.


kabal42 January 21 2007, 21:54:46 UTC
I don't have one that's really related to this one, but here's another one. Vaguely related. I'm not sure if I told this one last year as well, so I may add a bonus one ( ... )


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