Con.txt 2014: A good time, plus panel notes

Jun 16, 2014 20:36

I had a great weekend at con_txt. It was so nice to see friends again, and to make some new acquaintances ( Read more... )

kink meta, fandom is a wonderful thing, thinky, friends, fanfic meta, cons, meta, vidrec

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Comments 20

kassrachel June 17 2014, 00:44:02 UTC
Ooh, thank you for these notes! I've never made it to con.txt but I keep hoping to go one of these years. I am totally digging your panel notes.

Interesting to hear your reflection on coming to a slash con as a not-exclusively-slash fan. Slash was my door into media fandom, and for several years I identified specifically as a slash fan. These days I seem to write almost as much het or triofic as I do m/m per se, but m/m is still where my fannish roots are, in a certain way. Hm. Food for thought.


bironic June 17 2014, 01:25:34 UTC
I think that's true of a lot of attendees. For me, there was some hesitance attending my first con.txt/MJ because of that. But of course they turned out to be welcoming spaces. At con.txt four years ago I was even able to help people cross out their icebreaker Bingo card square for "Not a slasher" since, albeit loose interpretation, that's never what I've [only] labeled myself.

Glad you enjoyed/are enjoying the write-up! As usual it was hard to not do exhaustive recaps of every session--as if, if you're going to say anything, you must say it all--and yet, even a pocket notebook page per panel becomes a many-thousand-word post. :)


bitter_crimson June 17 2014, 02:09:57 UTC
My pictionary guess: Frodo and someone from Star Trek play street hockey? No idea what the third part is.


bironic June 17 2014, 11:27:24 UTC
Ooh, good start! You've got the Star Trek character, the right fandom for the second character, and the hockey. Shall I reveal?


bitter_crimson June 17 2014, 18:39:49 UTC
Yes I don't think I'll figure anything more out so u should tell me. :3


bironic June 17 2014, 23:14:33 UTC
Drumroll, please.

IIRC it went: "Captain Picard and Gimli see Geno Malkin wandering in the street outside their house and decide to adopt him."


v_greyson June 17 2014, 02:15:21 UTC
Awesome writeup, thank you! It was nice to see notes for the panels I didn't get to. Re, robots and learning to feel feelings, yessss. I actually submitted that panel and really should have gone but /o\ not enough hours in the con.

Also, thank you for the kind words, especially about the bi panel. I was so tired and also secretly terrified, so I'm glad to hear it was enjoyable. <3 Do you mind if I link your writeup when I do my write-ups on DW?


bironic June 17 2014, 11:31:13 UTC
You hid your secret terror well. In fact, more than one person declared that you "won the con" this year, between the Maleficent/Beneficent costume and the personality and brains with which you ran your half a million panels.

>>robots and learning to feel feelings, yessss

I think it was holli who pointed that out. Fun times. As a friend who I'm not sure wants to be named in this context said, it would have been even better if there'd been more time for discussion of themes and psychology of fans, after so much time went to brainstorming characters and trying to categorize them.

By all means, link away!


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bironic June 19 2014, 23:35:39 UTC
Yay! Thanks.


browngirl June 21 2014, 05:15:04 UTC
Thank you for this excellent writeup (and I'm sorry I've been so incommunicado lately)!


bironic June 23 2014, 23:38:52 UTC
Glad you enjoyed. :)


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