Trying to preserve the mindset of a clean slate

Jan 01, 2011 10:10

Happy 2011, everyone.

I am starting the new year with a clean sink, a pop song stuck in my head (soon to be replaced by the song I'm vidding to) and the discovery that four (!) of my prompts were filled in the
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kink bingo, memories, vidrec

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Comments 5

deelaundry January 1 2011, 15:25:31 UTC
Last year and this year, deelaundry et al kindly selfishly had me over for a leisurely dinner and word games.

Or we can compromise on "joyously," if you prefer that word.

♥ ♥ ♥


bironic January 1 2011, 15:29:04 UTC
It was shorter than saying "...for a mutually beneficial arrangement in which bironic gets fed, deelaundry diverts her husband's attention so she can concentrate on something for a change, and games are enjoyed by all." :)


l_eremita January 1 2011, 16:22:10 UTC
I *almost* sent Bironic a holiday card for her to give to you if she saw you. But then I thought that would be a little too forward of me, so here instead is my official: "Happy Holidays Dee!"


l_eremita January 1 2011, 16:18:26 UTC
Happy New Year, B! <3

It is fun to look back and see how much further one is each New Year's Eve. I made a note to myself that I will spend next New Year's Eve in France. We'll see if it happens!


rubynye January 1 2011, 17:00:30 UTC
Happy New Year! Thank you for starting my year out with tentacles. :)


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