[fanart] Things That Go Boom!

Sep 24, 2007 01:29

Title: Things That Go Boom!
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: G
A/N: made for anotheratlantis. Ressources: elli and my own. And I even made it in time for the deadline extension, yay!

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fanart: all, fanart: stargate atlantis, challenges

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Comments 30

sheafrotherdon September 23 2007, 23:57:31 UTC
Oh, this is beautiful! I love how the lava becomes something more ethereal, almost like flight up there, between them both. Gorgeous!


bingbulette September 24 2007, 07:04:46 UTC
Thank you! :)


tarlanx September 24 2007, 00:08:11 UTC
Lovely artwork, I adore the colors!


bingbulette September 24 2007, 07:05:17 UTC
Hee, thanks! :)


tmz_cori September 24 2007, 00:11:19 UTC
Oh this looks so beautiful! Really really beautiful! I love the colors and the lava! And the pics from McKay and Sheppard fit so well! ♥

And the swirls coming from the volcano. They kinda look like the drones ;) Just awesome :)


bingbulette September 24 2007, 07:07:25 UTC
Yeah it's a special volcano built by Ancients, it also flies. ;P

Have I mentioned KEVIIIIIIIN!!! lately? +g+


tmz_cori September 24 2007, 10:44:47 UTC
OH! That's the supervulcano from Inferno then? *g*

LOL! You can't mention him ENOUGH!


bingbulette September 24 2007, 11:04:19 UTC
+lol+ Yeah, it relocated to Earth and dumped the blonde scientist. No blonde scientists in my fanart, hrhr. +g+

No, no. I really can't! KEVIIINNNNN!!!! Have you started watching already? +prods you+


dogeared September 24 2007, 00:21:45 UTC
Oh, how cool!! I absolutely love the composition of it, from the boys to the mountain to the text to the cool-to-hot progression of colors-really really lovely!


bingbulette September 24 2007, 07:08:44 UTC
Thanks a lot! :D


aesc September 24 2007, 01:34:17 UTC
Oh, how completely awesome! I love the contrast between the black at the top and the red, textured bottom, and the font is great!

And also, John with his aviators and headset, nrrrgh!


bingbulette September 24 2007, 07:12:50 UTC
Heh, yay pilot!John! \o/

Thanks a lot, I'm glad you like it. :)


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