Title: Things That Go Boom!
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: G
A/N: made for
anotheratlantis. Ressources:
elli and my own. And I even made it in time for the deadline extension, yay!
the prompt was regular au #19:
The Doctors Rodney McKay and Radek Zelenka are volcanologist with the USGS, working as a perfect team and known for their bickering. When [insert random volcano here] awakes, they are asked to survey the volcano. Major John Sheppard, helicopter pilot stationed at a nearby Air Base, is assigned to fly Dr. McKay to the volcano for his surveys. They get to know each other over their daily trips. When the volcano errupts, they have to evacuate and run for their lifes. Which makes room for OMG-I-can't-believe-we-survived!-sex afterwards...