[fanart] Good News For People Who Love Bad News

Aug 23, 2007 23:11

Title: Good News For People Who Love Bad News
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: G (PG-13 if you find the hidden swear words +g+)
A/N: Made for anotheratlantis. The ever magnificent MK12 gave me the idea what the collage should look like. Title is from Modest Mouse.

plus an alternative version, because I am obsessive like that and couldn't decide which one to post

the prompt was regular au #38:
Rodney McKay isn't happy when his longed-for promotion to chief investigative reporters for one of New York's most prestigious publications is knocked off-course a few thousand miles. Sam Carter's not happy with his latest fiasco, and so she's forced him to accept the editorship of Hollywood Lifeline, a new lifestyle magazine, billed by the publishers as "dumbed-down but definitely sexy". Rodney would rather admit that Adam Kavanagh deserved that Pulitzer. Still a job is a job, Teyla, Ronon and the others seem to know what they're doing... not to mention that managing editor John Sheppard could just turn out to be a major consolation prize.

fanart: all, fanart: stargate atlantis, challenges

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