[fanart] Good News For People Who Love Bad News

Aug 23, 2007 23:11

Title: Good News For People Who Love Bad News
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: G (PG-13 if you find the hidden swear words +g+)
A/N: Made for anotheratlantis. The ever magnificent MK12 gave me the idea what the collage should look like. Title is from Modest Mouse.

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fanart: all, fanart: stargate atlantis, challenges

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Comments 33

dogeared August 23 2007, 21:19:38 UTC
Eeeeeeeeee oh my gosh, I love this, and I LOVE RIDICULOUSLY SMIRKY, RIDICULOUSLY HOT JOE FLANIGAN, adsfasd;fljk. The newsprint and the letters and the Hollywood Lifeline logo . . . and I seriously can't stop staring at Joe and his smirk. Oh this TOTALLY makes me want more of the story (or maybe to watch the E! True Hollywood Story of John and Rodney). So awesome! :D


bingbulette August 23 2007, 22:17:12 UTC

And I want more, too! Rodney would absolutly hate working for the magazine at first. But then he'd start writing that snarky column, where he'd mock all the famous people and it would be an instant hit. Hollywood Lifline would sell like never before. And one day Rodney'd be at his workspace, contentedly bickering away with John and he'd realize with horror that he's happy. And then he'd flee the room with panic and John would go after him and then they'd talk and then they wouldn't talk anymore, because they were kissing frantically. And they would live happily ever after.

Or something. ;)


kensieg August 24 2007, 00:17:57 UTC
I want to read that story!!


bingbulette August 24 2007, 20:15:00 UTC
Yeah, you and me both. ;)


aurora_84 August 23 2007, 22:00:32 UTC
Oh, how pretty!

I love the flashy colors and all the layers.


bingbulette August 23 2007, 22:22:08 UTC
Thank you! :D


aesc August 23 2007, 22:03:44 UTC
Completely, totally, and in all other ways, awesome! I love the colors and the sort of newsprint/pop feel to it, and eeee! Smirky!John! Scruffy!Rodney!


bingbulette August 23 2007, 22:26:35 UTC
Yay Scruffy!Rodney! I had to use these pictures, I love them so much. ♥

Thank you! I'm glad you like it! :)


melagan August 23 2007, 22:16:18 UTC
Very, very excellent. I like this version best. Maybe it's the way Sheppard's eyes are glancing over at Mckay. *g*


bingbulette August 23 2007, 22:29:58 UTC
Hehe, that's why I prefer that version as well. +g+ Even though I think the other one is more interesting because of the upright format...

Thank you! :)


(The comment has been removed)

bingbulette August 23 2007, 22:31:00 UTC
Thank you! Yes, John smirk is very much ♥ ^^


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