so i WAS going to go to bed early because i only got an hour of sleep last night... but then i decided to put up our christmas lights. and i must say- it looks marveouls!!! i am so excited for the holidays now that i dont think im gonna be able to sleep.
yay- only 26 more days until the happiest day of my year!!!
ive been working in the hendricks lounge. people are starting to get up, get ready for class, study before their morning tests. and now im ready for some sleep. 2 more pages to go... and im going to bed. it can be done in the afternoon. its 5:30---class in 2 hours, lucky me!
so i am in the middle of a research paper... that was due this afternoon... that i didnt turn in... that for all practical purposes i havent started yet.
I'm free in you I've got no worries on my mind I know what to do That's to treat you right And love you kind Thank you ever on my mind Love is just like breathing When it's true And I'm free in you