10 Things I Love About the Turbolift Scene (the original one)

Mar 20, 2011 08:29

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1. The way Spock tells Kirk that he must get off the bridge. He sounds like he's holding back a lot of worry.

2. The way Spock pulls Kirk into the lift. First, it's amusing how he just grabs Kirk's arm in such a no-nonsense manner. Then Kirk sort of takes over and they end up slamming into the thing and I'm always disappointed that they don't ( Read more... )

meta, their love is oh so canon, tos, space husbands, 40 years too late episode reaction

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Comments 30

austere_mauve March 20 2011, 15:30:45 UTC
I love this! I generally can't watch this whole episode; I had to leave the room when I first saw it on tv WHILE I WAS ALONE IN THE HOUSE, I just had that much 2nd-hand embarrassment from the children etc, but this scene is genius. I could/just did watch it over and over. So. Much. Tension. My favourite is the beginning when Spock's just like 'alright, youre coming with me before you make a fool of yourself', much in the way I find only someone who's really close with someone else can do that. Its one of my favourite things when people do that; the whole 'get over here, we need to have a talk' thing.


bigmamag March 20 2011, 16:29:30 UTC
I can't either. I watched just that scene plus I knew about the arm grab that came after. I've watched every episode at least once and this definitely ranks near the bottom. I maybe have to watch it again just so I can remember how bad it was.

It is pretty intimate, isn't it? I love that everyone knows that Spock is the one to get when Kirk is acting crazy. Just last week I was rewatching 'The Enemy Within' and I squealed when Rand shouted at a crewman to GET MR. SPOCK when Evil Kirk was attacking her. I mean, shouldn't she be calling for, oh, I don't know, security? Just shows you that when one of them is messed up, they know to get the other and that. Is. Delicious.


vipersunjoy March 20 2011, 15:59:38 UTC
I want to marry you.


bigmamag March 20 2011, 16:30:30 UTC
I think I'm married at least twice, lol. But hey, I don't believe in monogamy, so what's your favorite color and season? :P


sineala March 20 2011, 16:20:08 UTC
Wait, so that's the ep that screencap everyone likes is from? Man, I don't even think I've seen that episode.

...that is so awesome. Except maybe Shatner's acting.


bigmamag March 20 2011, 16:39:34 UTC
If I were you, I would avoid the episode at all costs. I'm gaining the courage to watch it and make fun of it, and it's hard even doing that. If you've seen 'Miri', think of that episode except worse. Much worse. That scene is too good to be stuck in such a crap episode.

I swear, I don't think Shatner is a bad actor. Of course, this scene is not good proof, lol. But I watched all of Boston Legal and it's clear why he won two Emmys for it and on a biography show of himself he told an anecdote of where his acting came from, mainly from doing a crap theater production and to get people from leaving he would do wild gesticulations, stress weird words, just do anything to convince them that something really good was about to happen. I think that's still true even with his worst acting, because gosh darn it, that man is entertaining. If I need cheering up, I watch 'The Enemy Within' and laugh my ass off at the evil Kirk doppleganger.

... )


sineala March 20 2011, 16:53:21 UTC
That... kind of makes sense about Shatner's acting, actually.

I just watch Enemy Within for the evil space dog. Man, I need an icon of the evil space dog.


ariadnechan March 20 2011, 19:49:19 UTC
i hate this episode too and the worse part is that i must to make the rewatch of this one
there is a very good scene at the beginning too
when Jim enters a cave with Spock and he is all there is evil ghost here and Spock is there to comfort him, not touching but you know he is there for Jim
also interesting because go with my theory that Jim is an empath


lah_mrh March 20 2011, 17:16:13 UTC
Have you seen the Agony Booth recap of this episode? He comments on the "turbolift scene" on Page 4:

The men have their faces just inches from each other as they inspire writers of slash fanfic for years to come. After a few seconds, Kirk visibly relaxes, and takes on a calm demeanor. Soon, he's firmly convinced of the fact that he's still in command of the Enterprise.

The two men exit the turbolift and Spock asks where they're headed now. A newly emboldened Kirk replies, "Auxiliary Control, my Vulcan friend!" From what I saw, the two of you are more than just friends now.

XD If you haven't read it, you really should.


bigmamag March 20 2011, 23:41:44 UTC
lol, I'm loving this recap. I really need to watch this episode again, just because I truly can't remember anything outside of 'oh god oh god this horrible' and then 'oh god oh god how romantic and amazing.' They certainly are more than just friends after that. :P I like that it totally goes with my head canon that they become closer after their first mind meld, which was in the episode right before this one.


idvo March 20 2011, 18:49:45 UTC
Oh, the Turbolift Scene... Such a bastion of sense and slash in an episode full of wtf. I think they originally wanted to make Kirk and Spock fight in the turbolift, or something? But someone (aka: a genius) decided that they should make it this way, instead. I love this scene!

And arm grabs! They are staples of K/S ^.^

OH AND ETA: Did you notice how Kirk starts reaching for Spock when Spock first walks up to him?


ariadnechan March 20 2011, 19:36:36 UTC
the actors decided and the director goes along :)


idvo March 21 2011, 17:56:19 UTC
I love those two so much ^.^


bigmamag March 20 2011, 23:43:34 UTC
You know, I might even have taken the fight because lord knows it's always extremely slashy when they fight. "and you have the GALL to make love to that woman!" This, however, is much, much better.



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