10 Things I Love About the Turbolift Scene (the original one)

Mar 20, 2011 08:29

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1. The way Spock tells Kirk that he must get off the bridge. He sounds like he's holding back a lot of worry.

2. The way Spock pulls Kirk into the lift. First, it's amusing how he just grabs Kirk's arm in such a no-nonsense manner. Then Kirk sort of takes over and they end up slamming into the thing and I'm always disappointed that they don't start making out right there because it's the perfect setup for some wall-slamming sex.

3. Shatner's. Acting. Haters gonna hate.

4. How Spock moves toward Kirk before Kirk pounces on him, obviously intending to physically comfort Kirk before being glomped.

5. Kirk's arms are on Spock's chest and caressing Spock's neck. Holy body contact Batman!

6. Spock whispers Kirk's name throatily like he's overcome with emotion. Possibly because the love of his life is pressing against him and is talking about how alone he feels when Spock knows that can't be true when he's right there as always.

7. That isn't eyesex. It's eyes making love all through the night.

8. Kirk slowly drags his hands down Spock's arms.

9. You'd have to know Spock pretty well to glean this information (and I'm sure you are if you've seen Amok Time as much as I have), but when he says, "Correct Captain," he's so obviously trying to shake off equal bouts of lust and want in order to speak, just look at the way his jaw clenches with tension.

10. They leave the elevator and Kirk calls him 'my Vulcan friend.' Considering the episode it's in, I think that the writer wasn't firing on all cylinders, but it certainly feels delicious, like Kirk is coming down from whatever cloud nine he was on and is all, 'my Vulcan friend, just a friend, not a boyfriend just a boy who is also my friend and husba-honey bun! I'm starving!"

BONUS MATERIAL: Kirk is unable to talk sense into Scotty in the very next scene, thus making it clear that not anything or anyone can break through the little kids' powers. Also, Spock's little arm grab in the following scene when Kirk looks like he might go apeshit again. Love how he just grabs this time without even asking if Kirk's all right, which is fucking unusual for Spock, iniating contact. I think Spock REALLY ENJOYED that body contact.

ETA: idvo pointed out that Kirk reaches out to Spock when Spock first walks up to him, so I watched closely and by god, that is an understatement. I mean, we know that Kirk just got whammied, so he's feeling alone and like he's losing command and control, and so it's not a stretch to say that he forgets himself and reaches out and his face-it's like he's forgotten where he's at and he just has a single-minded focus to touch Spock and when reminded of reality, he takes his hand back and covers it with the other like he's physically trying to stop his impulses. 

meta, their love is oh so canon, tos, space husbands, 40 years too late episode reaction

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