
Mar 18, 2011 12:58

DUDE, I totally forgot about my 5 year LJ anniversary! It was actually the 16th, but I suppose I shall celebrate it now. So, five years! Not much to say except that's a good chunk of time for online standards. Fandomwise, I find it amusing that I started livejournal in Smallville fandom and am now in Star Trek fandom, so apparently I at least have kept the common theme of gay alien love. I am pleased and have feel that the circle of life is ever rotating.

Some of you I've had friended since the beginning, and for that I say thanks for hanging in there because damn, we survived a lot of stuff and I was nothing more than a lurker with small aspirations back then, so thank you for making the transition to active fandom life enjoyable and easy! Then there's everyone else I met along the way, and even those I defriended but am still on friendly terms with. And to my newest friends, here's to another five years of awesomeness!

fandom, party hard, flist love

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