Birthday vid: Teenage Dream (Star Trek Voyager, Icheb/Q Junior)

Mar 17, 2011 16:00

Normally I would just say 'happy birthday' to an flister having a birthday as I'm not big on birthdays in general, but this is special because a) it's lama_mama and b) she has infected me with teenage dream space boyfriends. I'm pretty sure 95% of my flist has not seen this episode and maybe 1% actually know about the pairing, but ever since she started posting about it all the time on tumblr and drawing intriguing artwork and making fanmixes and such, I checked it out. Then I figured, why not make a fanvid since there's none out there to make whatever crap I managed to cobble together look bad in comparison, plus make this girl happy? Totally logical. I pretty much did this in the span of 24 hours, so it's a minute long and might be a little incoherent, but let me tell you, I figure it's pretty good for that time interval and for the fact that I had to scrape together enough out of that one episode to make a fanvid. Happy birthday lama_mama, you gqmf. Fandom would not be as fun without you. And I wouldn't have the foresight to use to the 'pairing descriptor + husbands' formula to make anything I ship instantly more appealing.

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I don't even know where else to post this, lol. Isn't there a general trek vid community out there? I apparently know nothing outside of Kirk/Spock. *hangs head in shame*

slash, boldly slashing where i've never slashed, bigmamag needs the help, flist love, vid post

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