Scotty/Uhura: Why it's completely, ahem, logical

Jan 17, 2011 20:16

Yes, I am doing het meta now. Someone note this date, because it may never happen again. :D

But seriously, about a week ago I was sitting around in a meditative trance, thinking about pairings in Star Trek and I started thinking about Scotty/Uhura and really thought about how it could work and actually be a valid pairing. Heck, if you'd ask me a ( Read more... )

meta, writing, completely heterosexual, boldly slashing where i've never slashed, space husbands

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Comments 21

mizsharmae January 18 2011, 04:48:58 UTC
You know I never would have even thought to put Uhura and Scotty together at all but this makes a really odd sort of sense. I think also that regarding romantic relationships you want someone that makes you more yourself rather than less. In the reboot canon Spock's influence sort of muffles the awesome that a badass smart chick that Uhura could be potentially. Scotty's irreverance and attitude could bring out her more colorful character traits.


bigmamag January 18 2011, 05:28:48 UTC
See, I never did either, but others did and then I thought about it and, well, there you go, more plausible than you'd think. I think that's the beauty of it, that's it's not blatantly obvious but still OBVIOUS when you take the time to look at it.

And yep, for some reason Uhura isn't herself around Spock and that's not right. Plus, I think he works better with Kirk simply because they are, at heart, loners and both extreme nerds. They make each other better despite both of them being extremely stubborn. In other words, they don't take each other's shit and really Spock needs a kick in his pompous ass sometimes.


austere_mauve January 18 2011, 05:21:26 UTC
Once again, I have to insist; you are my shipping professor! I admit I liked the idea just cause it seems nice, but I gotta say in TOS they really are a fun-loving intellectual power couple, like whoa. It had -never- occurred to me like that but it makes the most sense! Also I really did prefer the sassier side of Uhura before she was with Spock, something else I hadn't noticed or considered. I never saw how Spock/Uhura would happen though because there's no, for lack of better descriptions, chemistry or passion there; enough for fond friends but not enough for a romantic involvement.
Also Scotty and Uhura are super cute together, and that's good enough for me already :P


bigmamag January 18 2011, 05:32:38 UTC
I dearly wish I could teach a class on this, lol! Oh, the curriculum. "Today's lesson is the progression of porn as a social dialogue. Visual aids ahoy!"

I completely agree, of course. I'm only hoping the reason behind Uhura's personality change is some weird stripping of her more human impulses to attract Spock rather than a permanent change. I'd hate it if that is her new personality and TOS Uhura's traits aren't going to shine more. In fact, it makes sense because it's like she was trying to win Spock at the academy because she likes him a lot, and maybe he was put off by her flirtations so she changed her tactics to show her more serious side and it sort of stuck once they started dating.


alpha_hydra January 18 2011, 06:07:37 UTC
I remember watching Star Trek V and going "Okay, Scotty/Uhura? That's kind of weird except also weirdly not." So yes. This meta pleases me greatly ^-^ And I think you make a really good point here; while Spock needs a partner who's physically and mentally his equal, who isn't afraid to tell him when he's crossed a line (which, granted, I think Uhura would eventually be able to provide for him), it's really a matter of how Spock isn't the kind of man Uhura needs. Uhura's...adaptable, sort of a river, and she needs someone who'll be able to drift downstream with her, instead of a brick wall that'll dam up the flow

(...okay, so I just expressed myself in metaphor? This is surely a sign that i've not had enough sleep...) :)


bigmamag January 18 2011, 17:52:13 UTC
Definitely need to part ways. And you figure he wouldn't work for Kirk, but Kirk has different traits than Uhura, like the fact that he could use some stability in his life while Uhura has that on her own and adding Spock's is overdoing it. Plus, in all honesty, Kirk can actually understand more of what Spock's going through. Sure he hasn't lost a planet and his dad died when he was young, but we know for a fact that he had a shitty home life and he knows what it feels like for everything to be gone while, if Uhura has the same childhood she did in TOS, she can't comprehend being that deprived of something. And I haven't even mentioned if Kirk went to Tarsus in this universe, because then he REALLY knows all about life sucking.


copperiisulfate January 18 2011, 06:30:35 UTC
this is mostly relevant to reboot but i think i started shipping mccoy/uhura after i read this fic and couldn't unsee it since. i think it handled all four of them (uhura/spock/kirk/bones) beautifully and it's kind of how it's been in my headcanon. that said, i could get behind scotty/uhura if i read it written well (though i'm easy like that and can get behind pretty much anything that doesn't make me cringe in canon so long as it's written well)

an totally unrelatedly, i've had uptown girl stuck in my head all day after hearing it on a tv show so your music caught my eye ;)


bigmamag January 18 2011, 17:54:14 UTC
See, I saw McCoy Uhura at first, but now I'm starting to wonder what real basis it has and the answer (for myself at least) is that well, Kirk and Spock are together, let's put the best friends together.

And now I want to write Scotty/Uhura, but I've got a million other things to write for the space husbands, so maybe I'll put it on my to-do list. I'd need a plot at the very least. :)


daphnie_1 January 18 2011, 09:56:29 UTC
It's like we're meant to understand that there's something up with the direction this universe is going, because both Kirk and Scotty are like, wtf? " - pretty much this :D I have a bit of a soft spot for this ship because, as you said, it actually DOES make alot of sense ~

(And I'm still working on your icon. Forgot how difficult TOS caps are to work with D:)


bigmamag January 18 2011, 17:55:33 UTC
You wouldn't think it does, but there you go. :)

Oh I'm fine for the moment. I made this one as a placeholder and I'll just rotate them when need be.


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