Sep 15, 2010 18:30

I have just realized that today is Kirk/Spock day, the official fandom day of Kirk/Spock picked because this is the day that Amok Time first aired in 1967. I've been caught by surprise, so I have nothing intelligent, witty, or fascinating to contribute, but instead I shall post the most random collection of Kirk/Spock shit ever, and it is going to ( Read more... )

fandom, ftw, their love is oh so canon, dork, space husbands, gifs, i love gay men, slash, my old man crush, boldly slashing where i've never slashed, pon farr, shatner gets his own tag, recs, shaking and crying, picspam, yeah i'm a trekkie whut

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Comments 37

_profiterole_ September 16 2010, 06:14:22 UTC

That Alexandro fanvid is full of win. ^__^


bigmamag September 17 2010, 06:04:01 UTC
It truly is made of win. I mean everyone was talking about the dancers looking like Vulcans and there was K/S art along those lines, but this was just perfect.


quarterwhore September 16 2010, 07:06:53 UTC
Semi related things that amuse me:

... )


bigmamag September 17 2010, 06:05:56 UTC
Oh god yes, that first one with the bad fanfic! Wasn't this for a kink meme prompt for there being an actual shipwide kink meme?


idvo September 16 2010, 08:26:34 UTC
OMG IT SLIPPED MY MIND! On the 14th I was printing out Kirk/Spock labels on my mom's label-maker and gushing about the 15th, and then... I forget it's the 15th. This is what I get for not having any sort of structured sleep schedule. OH WELL. I will just celebrate it today! Killa's "Closer!" That's the vid that got me into the fandom in the first place! And those sickbay scenes! So canon, OMG. SPORK POWER! SPORK IT OUT! (courtesy of our lovely CP and ZQ ♥) Here's an "Amok Time" related thing I cooked up:

... )


bigmamag September 17 2010, 06:07:39 UTC
I totally would have missed it had someone not wished me a happy Spork day and I was like HO SHIT, SPORK DAY. I think next year I'll be more prepared, lol.

OH THE SICKBAY SCENE. My favorite moment of all time. OF ALL TIME. And I've seen that awesome macro of yours! I love finding out who produces these things. :D


ilmatarlady September 16 2010, 12:13:32 UTC
Your meta is seriously fantastic, bb. Don't know whether I'm more jealous of the fantastic way you organize your thoughts and arguments or your vocabulary. :3

(oh and the "Kirk has a kink" is my favorite macro *ever*)

So this post was made of very fun and useful WIN. :D


bigmamag September 17 2010, 06:08:49 UTC
Aw, thank you! Glad someone listens when I blither like an idiot. I'm all rolling around in joy at your comment, lol.


loezzy September 16 2010, 13:55:16 UTC

I always miss amazing days like this, dammit. XD Oh well, as far as I'm concerned; any day can be (is) Kirk/Spock day. ;D

Loved seeing all this stuff, even if I knew most of it.
And that thing you made? Priceless. :D


bigmamag September 17 2010, 06:10:14 UTC
EVERY day is Spork day. :D There totally needs to be more stuff out there. I sort of miss when people made mass things for party posts, but that's all right. One day I'll have time to do new stuff. You know, that mythical place far in the future we all talk about.


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