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Comments 7

sizequeen April 14 2010, 01:33:21 UTC
The third season is a *weird* season for Spock in terms of emotional control and romances. He has this wsad affair-betrayal thing happening with the Romulan Commander in "The Enterprise Incident," and he actually admits that she appealed to him. Then he goes nuts trying to find Kirk in 'The Tholian Web" and "The Paradise Syndrome." In TPS, he doesn't sleep for an entire month because he's so desperate to find Kirk. His control is badly shaken in "Plato's Stepchildren" where he is mentally and sexually violated. Then Spock erased Kirk's memory of his android love in "Requiem for Methuseleh." He has that flirtation with blondie Fascist chick After that, in "The Cloud Minders" Spock has this open flirtation with an alien fascist ( ... )


bigmamag April 14 2010, 02:39:55 UTC
You are very right, it is definitely a weird season. I think that may be a part of the writers trying to keep the show on air by making Spock more human-like to draw in viewers, but really it's kind of interesting just how he goes from the two extremes. One episode it's straight-forward "I am Spock, I be Vulcan and untouchable" and in the next "KIRK NEEDS ME, MUST DO ILLOGICAL THINGS TO HELP."

And yep, totally agree. Hell, I even would buy something happening or a romantic confrontation right after the end of the series because there was still two more years to the mission. Good god, I wonder what kind of slash we'd have seen had we'd been given a fourth season. :O


sineala April 14 2010, 01:35:42 UTC
*joins ficfaction, thanks*

Whee, K/S. You're making me want to write some K/S! (I am supposed to be writing Pros.)

I always kind of think K/S got together sometime before TMP, because, yes, I am a believer in the "angsty emotions lead to Kolinahr" theory. (Edit: and by got together, I think I mean that Spock figured it out about himself. They probably got together later.)

Also, I think Ray and Fraser got together sometime around "Ladies Man" -- lysimache and me had this elaborate theory worked out based on the fact that Fraser let himself into Ray's apartment with a key in one scene, and really we couldn't think of any better reasons for Ray to give him a key. If you're compiling thoughts on other pairings.


bigmamag April 14 2010, 02:45:19 UTC
Ooh *waves magical Spork writing vibes your way* :P

I definitely agree that Spock figured it out first. I mean, he figures everything else in the world out first, why not this? And yes, definitely a fan of "angsty emotions lead to Kolinahr". I mean, it's really the lack of explanations in either the movie or the novel that cinch it. How hard is it for them to just say that hey, after the mission, Spock was acting too like humans so he went to Gol, or hey, Spock had been planning to go since forever, so no biggie. No, we just see the aftermath and that's freaking odd.

I have never heard this F/K theory before! I'd say I don't believe it, but now I'm insanely curious and ready to be convinced. *sits on the floor like a kid waiting for a fairy tale*


sineala April 14 2010, 03:17:51 UTC
Some help you are. It's supposed to be Bodie and Doyle! :P

It is weird, isn't it? I think the Lost Years profic was supposed to explain some of the gap, but I don't think they ever finished those books, and they're not canon anyway. Kolinahr is a weird thing for Spock to do, anyway; the series portrayed him as, well, happy in Starfleet. So there must have been some reason.

Heh, well, it wasn't much of an F/K theory. We just figured Fraser had a key, based on the scene where Ray is lying all depressed in his apartment and Fraser just comes in and starts. And you know Fraser would knock, because he's just that polite, and the only reason he wouldn't would be is if he had a key and he was expected. So, you know, slash. (And then after that there are no random Babes of the Week to account for, except Maggie, who, uh, doesn't count.) lysimache wrote a story about this for me, but I can no longer find it.


greenteaduck April 14 2010, 03:46:36 UTC
Hahahaha omigosh the "musking"! That sounds like a fic Sue would LOVE <333



ranka_lee April 14 2010, 17:30:54 UTC

... )


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