A general pimp and a K/S nugget

Apr 13, 2010 20:04

--Pimpin' out ficfaction, a multi-fandom community for talking about fics, getting advice for your own fics, getting betas, just about anything you'd want to talk about in regard to fic writing, and their one rule? DON'T BE A DICK. I love this place already. \o/

--The kirkspock  rewatch this week was A Private Little War, and the discussion kind of led to whether people believed that Kirk and Spock got together during the series or in/after the TMP movie. I had an epiphany and I thought I'd just put that part of the whole comment here since I find it quite logical:

As for bonding, I pretty much stick with 'after TMP'. I mean, Spock's torment from being Vulcan and Human is nothing to sneeze at, and if anything, I think he gets more into his Vulcan ways by season three, probably as a reactionary measure. See, each season, to me, is a natural progression of feelings. First season is this playful, flirty, 'I think I like you, do you like me too?' sort of dance (Where No Man.., Shore Leave, Miri, Corbomite Maneuver, etc.) Second season escalates to extreme lust and that middle ground of being in love but not quite acknowledging it within yourself yet (A Private Little War, Amok Time, The Apple, Bread and Circuses, Patterns of Force..for fuck's sake, naked and whipped. This show is not subtle.) The third season is the one in which love is acknowledged, and notice how not only Spock seems to act more Vulcan than ever (a reactionary measure?), but also that the most powerful emotional scenes in the series are in S3 (And the Children Shall Lead, The Tholian Web, The Empath, Requiem for Methuselah, Turnabout Intruder.)

Also, isn't it kind of fascinating that the first mind meld between Kirk and Spock takes place in the third season, and they meld a total of four times?
--Also, I want to write so bad after this fanvid is done. I wish I could finish the Refractions sequel, but omg, there's ranka_lee getting me to think of writing Gaila/Uhura with background K/S. I mean omg, I had the intriguing thought of Gaila pointing out K/S to Uhura and is all, "Orions can smell the musk of guys we've slept with, and Jimmy sure is musking over there." :P And then there's fat!Kirk, and good god, just, after this fanvid!

--Annnnnnnd it's almost time for GLEE, must make popcorn.

meta, writing, glee, their love is oh so canon, pimpin' ain't easy

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