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watersandwilds April 9 2010, 22:07:57 UTC

especially with Sock/Kirk/Spock(/Spock/Spock/Spock... to infinity and beyond)

I really, really want that to be a fic right now.


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watersandwilds April 9 2010, 22:45:09 UTC
I'm sorry! The bunnies wouldn't leave me alone! This was just begging to be written.

Warning: Crack! Shameless crack.
Summary: ST:XI!verse - Kirk introduces Spock to his new friend ( ... )


nahara April 9 2010, 21:43:24 UTC
Name/user name: nahara or just call me J. :)
Age: Er... 22.
Why do you ship K/S? Because, they're the original OTP? But seriously, this is all very new to me and I think I finally fell into ST because of XI... the fact that they wiped the slate clean making it accessible to schmucks like me that didn't really know how to get into it with so much canon already out there. Daunting. Anyways, the film comes out and I'm like: O_O HOTNESS. Men in uniforms? Y/Y? Plus I like emotionally repressed characters... all the better for some epic UST.
TOS, reboot, or both? Answered this above: Reboot.
Shatner or Nimoy? Pine or Quinto? Umm, if you mean RPF, I'm not so much into that... but them as people? AWESOME. Like, ALL of them. Or if you mean which one I'd most like to do the dirty with...? Quinto - but he'd have to wear the uniform. *winks*
What other trek pairings do you ship? None really. *hangs head* I just... everytime I read something else I get uber disappointed that it doesn't somehow lead to some K/S. I'm pretty ( ... )


thisissirius April 9 2010, 22:24:31 UTC


nahara April 9 2010, 22:36:34 UTC
*does a dorky jig*


If the above also equals your life? Then I say FRIENDS. Y/N?


thisissirius April 9 2010, 22:37:32 UTC



ever_obsessed April 9 2010, 21:48:45 UTC
Name/user name: Missy
Age: Twenties
Location The State of Fail: Florida
Why do you ship K/S? These two are the epitome of what a love story should be: two people who just CLICK and connect and can bring out the best in each other as well as the craziest in each other. The sheer loyalty they display for each other is staggering. AND THEN KIRK GAVE UP THE ENTERPRISE FOR HIM. And then Spock grieved until, like, he was sucked into an alternate universe where he took his little hologram thingie because THAT CAME FROM HIS JIM, ;_____; And they had the original turbolift scene, don't look at me like that. And nu!K/S has so much potential and they could have a happy ending, AND I AM SO EXCITED, OMG.
TOS, reboot, or both? Both.
Shatner or Nimoy? Pine or Quinto? Um. I can't choose at this point, I'm sorry.
What other trek pairings do you ship? Many. Scotty/Uhura, Kirk/McCoy (usually unrequited), sometimes Kirk/Uhura, and I have huge love for Uhura/Rand. Also Kirk/Gaila and maybe Kirk/Spock/Gaila, shut up and a huge amount of love for my beloved ( ... )


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ever_obsessed April 9 2010, 22:38:13 UTC
I finally have a gif of THE SCENE, thank god, \o/

Friending back!


watersandwilds April 9 2010, 22:04:08 UTC
Even before I'd hit this line I knew I wanted to friend you, but this:

Basically? I am a gay hippie pagan liberal with too many cats and too many ships.

Totally sealed the deal.

I hope you don't mind?


coeurdesoleil April 9 2010, 21:54:05 UTC
Name/user name: coeurdesoleil
Age: 28
Location Norway
Why do you ship K/S? Because of their amazing chemistry, because they complement and challenge each other - they are both capable of grounding and anchoring each other as well as pushing each other to do better, because they would do anything for each other, because of Amok Time and The Search for Spock and the way they look at each other, because I believe they are meant to be in any universe and in any timeline. Because they are t'hy'la.
TOS, reboot, or both? Both. TOS and Reboot differ in many ways, yet some things remain the same!
Shatner or Nimoy? Pine or Quinto? I don't like to pick favorites, but if I am forced to choose... oh gods, this is so hard! .... Shatner. No! Nimoy! No! Shatner. And Pine. Yeah, definitely Pine!
What other trek pairings do you ship? I really like Scotty/Uhura in TOS, but I don't ship ship any other Trek pairings
Other fandoms? Doctor Who, Torchwood, Veronica Mars, The Big Bang Theory.
What can people expect in your journal? Both RL entries and ( ... )


cicero_drayon April 10 2010, 00:04:32 UTC
*single tear*
Your ship manifesto is beautiful.


coeurdesoleil April 10 2010, 00:15:33 UTC
Awww, thank you! I thought perhaps it came across as a little pompous, which was not my intention at all, so it makes me happy that you liked it :D


cicero_drayon April 10 2010, 00:27:57 UTC
You do realize your audience, though, don't you? XD That is why we all love this stuff. :D


WOO! I've been looking forward to this... :D watersandwilds April 9 2010, 21:59:10 UTC
Name/user name: watersandwilds

Age: 19

Location Durham, UK, but I'm Canadian.

Why do you ship K/S? Because they're the original slash, and utterly adorable! Every single time the two of them are on screen together I start wiggling with fangirly joy. Because whenever they make eye contact you can so tell that they're not seeing anyone else around them. Because they would give up everything for each other (have been willing to give up everything for each other - multiple times!). And because they make me believe that I could have a relationship like that too - and that makes me happier than I can properly put into words. Also, I've been watching this show since I was old enough to sit up in front of a TV.

TOS, reboot, or both? Both - but it bothers me when I can't figure out which one a fic is supposed to be set in.

Shatner or Nimoy? Pine or Quinto? All of them? :D:D Probably Nimoy.

What other trek pairings do you ship? I like friendship!fic so much in this fandom - Kirk/Spock/McCoy guylove is like warm fuzzies in fic format. I don't mind ( ... )


Re: WOO! I've been looking forward to this... :D watersandwilds April 9 2010, 22:01:54 UTC
GAH! I totally forgot to add Doctor Who to my list of other fandoms.

*snuggles Doctor*


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Re: Red and White bitches!! (Just kidding :D *blush*) watersandwilds April 9 2010, 23:39:51 UTC
WOOO! Hey, Wil Wheaton likes Canada too (I don't know if you've ever watched TNG, but that tweet filled me with complete and utter joy).


Also, we're totally going to win the zombie war.


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