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Comments 342

thebiggest_lie April 9 2010, 21:28:56 UTC
Name/user name: Lisa aka thebiggest_lie
Age: 23
Location New York
Why do you ship K/S? That is one lofty question! Everything from the dynamics, to how strong they are as characters in and of themselves. The undeniable chemistry between both the reboot and TOS ~versions and the way their lives seems to always lead back to each other. But I think most of all, the trust, loyalty and devotion between Kirk and Spock that, to me, is the center of Star Trek.
TOS, reboot, or both? Definitely both. I'm still getting to know TOS, but am loving it and feel like it is such an integral element of Reboot Kirk/Spock.
Shatner or Nimoy? Pine or Quinto? Going to say Nimoy and Quinto. Can't help it! I'm a Spock girl. ^_^
What other trek pairings do you ship? Pretty much none. I did read one Sulu/Chekov fic, but Kirk/Spock has my heart in the Trek world as of now.
Other fandoms? My most active...American Idol/David Cook, Torchwood, Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes and Lost. Just starting to watch Stargate SG-1 so I'll probably be talking about that a bit in my LJ.
What ( ... )


lallyloo April 10 2010, 00:04:49 UTC
Friending you!


ladyicsaylis324 April 10 2010, 05:51:29 UTC
SPOCK FOREVER!!!! I ADORE Nimoy. I'm such a nerd that you can find me watching old Mission Impossible episodes with him in them. Plus the documentries he hosted on witches and dragons.

Pathetic, aren't I?


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eternityrose April 9 2010, 22:51:37 UTC
I think your reply to "Why do you ship K/S" is the best one.

Also, may I friend you? (Despite the fact that I've been on this site for years I'm still so new to this orz)


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eternityrose April 10 2010, 06:06:34 UTC
Your journal posts are highly amusing XD
I'm having a lot of fun looking at them.


cicero_drayon April 9 2010, 21:31:49 UTC
Name/user name:cicero_drayon
Age: Sewenteen, sir. :D
Location Concord, NC
Why do you ship K/S? BECAUSE IT IS THE GREATEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO SLASH. FFFFF. Um, really? Because it's so close to being real, and it makes me seriously happy.
TOS, reboot, or both? I've grown a bit jaded with XI fic recently. I started with TOS, and it's my favorite one. But I definitely will do both.
Shatner or Nimoy? Pine or Quinto? Mmmmm, Nimoy. :) For the longest time I had an aversion to ZQ, but really, I love ALL of them now.
What other trek pairings do you ship? Um, none really? I dabble halfheartedly in Scotty/Uhura and Sulu/Chekov. Really, as long as it doesn't threaten my ship and it makes canonical sense, I'm down for it. I'd put down my TNG ships, but really, I can't ship anything else.
Other fandoms?HOOOOOO. Lesse. Fringe is fantastic. I love Psych, I'm a bit obsessed with the film Back to the Future, and...that's about it for anything I actively pursue, except for maybe Jeopardy!, haha.
What can people expect in ( ... )


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cicero_drayon April 10 2010, 00:11:40 UTC
YES YES FRANS FRANS FOREVER. Ahem. Yeah, certainly! <3


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thebiggest_lie April 9 2010, 21:42:48 UTC
Oh hi!! I am going to friend you, if you don't mind. Your 'why I ship them' is basically a THIS THIS THIS in my head.

Spock/McCoy ~intrigues me. Haven't read any fic, but I see potential there for something interesting. That is if I could somehow set aside K/S enough to read said fic!


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ever_obsessed April 9 2010, 22:52:10 UTC
Hijacking your thread but?

I feel like I would ship it if there was no Kirk in the equation?
This is, like, exactly how I feel about Spock/Uhura, yo. Because I can see it, and, like, like it but ~*~K/S IS FOREVER~*~ and I love Scotty/Uhura and Uhara/Rand so much, I can't even.


snowlight April 9 2010, 21:38:27 UTC
Name/user name: Renata (snowlight)

Age: Very, very legal.

Location NYC metro

Why do you ship K/S? FOR THE GLITTER….oh wait…I mean…the epicccccc….

TOS, reboot, or both? BOTH :D

Shatner or Nimoy? Pine or Quinto? S&N for the vibe, P&Q for the pretty. (What? Being pretty Is Important!)

What other Trek pairings do you ship? I’m currently shipping Garak/Bashir (DS9) like burning.

Other fandoms? I read SPN fics (D/C) although I do not watch the show. I watch Psych/White Collar/Bones/Dexter. I have a list of past fandoms/pairings in my profile. :)

What can people expect in your journal? Mostly ST fandom chatters and squees. A youtube video or two of Asian persuasion at times. A fair amount is posted in Chinese, though.


watersandwilds April 9 2010, 22:11:52 UTC
I’m currently shipping Garak/Bashir (DS9) like burning.



XD XD XD snowlight April 10 2010, 01:14:12 UTC
Do you read doctor_tailor? I posted a few things to that comm recently (including a new fic today, yays). :)


Re: XD XD XD watersandwilds April 10 2010, 08:26:04 UTC
No - I'll definitely have to check it out. Garak/Bashir was always the ship that I squeed over while watching the series, (because OMG IT'S AWESOME AND RIGHT THERE) but I never really read anything for. :D

There is, of course, no time like the present, however. :D Thanks or the link! Oh, and I friended you, I hope you don't mind. :)


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