Star Trek XI recs

Jun 27, 2009 22:34

About damn time I did this again, I truly am lazy.  Also my flist writes, and I know spuffyduds and sineala have great fics, respectively, that I have not recced yet.  IF YOU ARE ON MY FLIST AND YOU HAVE WRITTEN STAR TREK FIC, LINK ME BECAUSE I HAVE NOT BEEN KEEPING UP WELL WITH MY FLIST.  Seriously, I want to read it, but be forewarned that I pretty much only ship Kirk/Spock.  I know, I know.  I am disturbingly like this in pretty much every fandom, sticking to one pairing only.  I'M FANDOM MONOGAMOUS, OKAY?

Star Trek Reboot

Out of Time by kagedtiger.  Probably my second favorite pon farr fic thus far.  It has a prequel, but I read it backwards and I was okay.  :)  Basically it's worth reading for the mind meld issues and the kind of dreamy/otherwordly sequence where they're trying to dissolve the bond so Spock can be married to someone else and Kirk acts very human and I just love how it ends and the resolution.

The Communications Series by screamlet.  Consists (in order) of Discount Shot Night, Diving, and Denouement.  This is the most hilarious trilogy ever.  It details the Enterprise's first shore leave and the building relationship of Kirk and Spock.  It builds slowly to K/S and as funny as it is, there is also very serious moments that make this whole thing perfect.  Seriously, I'm laughing and grinning like an idiot typing this up, just go read, you won't regret it.  I mean, SPOCKERS.

Screw Yourself by ykoriana.  Just...bed breaking sex and the reactions of others.  Hot as well as cute and funny.

Wherein Kirk Swears that the ‘T’ Doesn’t Stand for Thickheaded by
jade_dragoness.  Pon farr fic.  Spock and Kirk are trapped on a planet when Spock goes into pon farr.  I love it and I love the characterizations and almost-angst.

You'll Get There in the End (It Just Takes Awhile) by seperis.  The first long Star Trek fic I've loved to death and also my favorite pon farr story.  The story is written in reverse and you start at a strange point and only until near the end do you learn how the characters got there and the details of their conflict.  I absolutely LOVE when an author intelligently unveils the plot like this, and boy is the revealing WORTH it.  Rec, rec, REC.

Dissolution by mithrel.  Spock gets split into his human and Vulcan halves.  The premise alone is worth a read.  I love how each side of Spock is wildly different and the ending is win.

Shut Up and Eat Your Vegetables by barrowjane.  H/c at its best.  Kirk almost starved to death and Spock takes over his diet.  I love the concern Spock tries to hide and the SMOKING HOT SEX that ensues.

Best Birthday Ever by hollycomb.  Everyone forgets Jim's birthday except Spock.  This simple premise is actually way more deep and lovely than first realized.  You go through most of the fic, feeling Jim's decension into gloom and then there's Spock and it's so romantic and sweet and simple and it has this atmosphere and just GAH, such a pick-me-up fic for the ages.

Symphony for Stars and Planets by singingintime.  All right, I haven't read one Star Trek AU because I find the idea pointless because you can do almost anything with Star Trek that it's almost not needed.  But I thought I'd try this just to see, and MY GOD it is brilliant!  Spock along with others are members of a symphony orchestra and Kirk is the new trumpet player prodigy that immediately gets on Spock's bad side.  Somehow the author manages to keep the feel of Star Trek while setting it in a modern day and decidely non-interplanetary time, and it still kicks ass.  I think it's the visuals and the idea of music itself as an emotion that gets to me.  It's like I really pictured Spock doing a magnificent violin solo, like I saw the scene in my head with the lights and Jim's face and it was awesome.  And the scene where Kirk plays the piano?  READ IT, GO GO GO!


From the Depths by Lyra. Set post-Amok time wherein Spock was not cured by the fight.  Actually, it's about Kirk and Spock founding the fandom cliche 'stuck in a cave'.  There's an endangered beast trying to attack them (shades of The Devil in the Dark and check me out, all knowing this shit) and there is a most intelligent twist in this story.  And when I say twist, I mean twist.  Great stuff.

Wilderness Were Paradise Enow
by belmanoir.  Post-This Side of Paradise where Kirk asks Spock if he's happy on the Enterprise.  I just love Kirk in this

*Also, I have to say something about the first Star Trek movie because I re-watched parts of it (really, most of it is so boring and slow-paced) and I love it even more because when I first saw it, I had only seen a couple of TOS episodes, so some scenes resonated more with me this time around.  The scene where Spock first comes aboard I felt that "LOOK IT'S SPOCK!"  excitement and my GOD Nimoy rocks that civvie outfit.

This is a completely ridiculous and esoteric thought, but I watched the scene where Kirk retrieves Spock in space (you know, THE gayest scene in history in which they hold hands) and I totally had flashbacks of Final Fantasy VIII when Squall and Rinoa are in space and Squall caught Rinoa and I was like, DUDE, and then I felt like a complete dork because the song 'Eyes on Me' played in my head and then I LOL'D.  Seriously, does anyone else connect these two?  No?  LOL @ SELF.

shaking and crying, boldly slashing where i've never slashed, dork, tos, recs

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