Random Fucking Saturday

Mar 14, 2009 16:10

Just so everyone knows, my e-mail notifications and turned off, so if I miss a comment or something, that's why. I turn them off when I do friending memes so I don't get 5 billion e-mails that aren't even necessarily for me ( Read more... )

random fucking saturday, halp, flist love, yummy in my tummy

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Comments 24

insaneboingo March 14 2009, 23:30:47 UTC
1. I was raised wearing mostly gold. My father thought silver looked cheap. I now wear both depending on what I'm wearing. But some of my most prized pieces are still gold.

2. I'm not a spoilerwhore, but I don't like freak out if I get spoiled either. Depending on the show, if there is a spoiler I'll give it a look.

3. Grilled Herb Chicken with garlic mashed potatoes and salad. ^_^

I don't know of a place to watch Psych, I just have the seasons downloaded. I'll look around and see if I can find something.


bigmamag March 14 2009, 23:47:18 UTC
Thanks for looking for me, I really want to see it.

And mmm, grilled herb chicken, I would love me some of that. And the funny thing about grilling with chicken, it can either be delicious as hell or be totally freaking nasty.


chibi_saru11 March 15 2009, 00:05:11 UTC
1. SILVER. Because silver is silverish and it really is great with pretty everything. But sometimes gold is pretty too... sometimes.
2. Spoilerwhore, because if someone says something like "OMFG, YOU KNOW...." I really really really need to know XD
3. I baked a cake like... six month ago? XD and that was it. We have a maid at home so... we don't cook much D: we're lazy


bigmamag March 15 2009, 00:46:00 UTC
Dude, a maid? You need a manservant, lol. I would have to cook, even if I were a princess in a faraway castle. I love it. :)

Oh yes, when anyone goes "ZOMG!!11!!ONE!!, YOU HAVE TO SEE WHAT THEY'RE GONNA DO!" I click because I HAVE TO KNOW.


mordyn4 March 15 2009, 00:14:36 UTC
LOL, you use both dots and parentheses after numbers? I am a dork.

2) Spoilerwhore - didn't even read HP:DH, just the spoiler posts on my flist. They were very thorough!
3) Banana Bread

Does Hulu have it?


bigmamag March 15 2009, 00:48:14 UTC
I don't know why I do that, I suppose I'm just anal or something. :P Ugh, I SHOULDN'T have read the seventh book, it made me so annoyed. Stupid cheesy ass epilogues. And oh BANANA bread, I am dangerous when one is around and try to somehow inhale it whole.

What's a hulu? lol


mordyn4 March 15 2009, 01:00:43 UTC

For one advert per segment, you too can watch TV from your computer. ;)


frankiness March 15 2009, 00:33:32 UTC
1. Silver
2. If it's anything fictional, I'll wait. If it's RL (sporting events, especially), then I'm a spoiler-whore.
3. Cooked, you say? Well, I made steamed dumplings last night. =)


bigmamag March 15 2009, 00:49:29 UTC
Steamed dumplings, never had them like that. I do the whole chicken and dumplings cooked in a pot thing.


avellis March 15 2009, 00:50:01 UTC
1.) Silver!
2.) Well, I'm not a apoilerwhore, but I'm not spoilerphobe either, per se - I don't mind them, but the thing with me and spoilers is that I want the choice about whether I want to see them or not, you know? If you warn for a spoiler and I click it, then yeah, by all means, I don't mind spoilers... but if someone posts an uncut spoiler, then I get pissed.
3.) Pasta bake! I haven't cooked in such a long time, I should really do that. Maybe I'll make brownies tonight.


bigmamag March 15 2009, 04:26:13 UTC
I totally get the spoilering thing. It's just plain rude not to cut spoilers, so yeah I get that.


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