Epic Merlin pimping post

Feb 13, 2009 17:25

So I told you guys I'd do this Merlin squee post! Merlin is magnificent and since ship_manifesto is slow and there is no Arthur/Merlin on there for me to just link, I'll do a short manifesto very shittily. Prepare for a crappy picspam, some fanfic and vid recs, and a crappy, unintelligible nightmare of a manifesto!

I. The Show

Merlin is a television show that came to the BBC this past September. Thus far it has finished the first series for a total of 13 episodes and is signed on for a second series. The show completely revamps and reimagines the legend of King Arthur, showing him as a young adult. To make it even more gay interesting, instead of being a crusty old man who helps Arthur become a great king, Merlin is the same age as Arthur.

The basic plot of the show is the following: King Uther rid the land of magic 20 years ago and magic is outlawed in Camelot. Merlin goes to Camelot because his mother feared that his magical abilities (which are unique because he was born with them) and asks Gaius, the court physician, to look out for him. The first thing Merlin sees upon arrival is a man getting executed for practicing sorcery. So throughout the series, Merlin must keep his abilities hidden while secretly saving his friends' lives and helping others.

II. The Characters

Here's the main cast:

(from left to right: King Uther, Prince Arthur, Merlin, Gaius, Morgana, and Guinevere)

Of fangirly note, Merlin usually sports a very gay neck scarf. And one might write it off as a 'fashion of the times' thing, but no one else wears these on the show.

Merlin is also not as freaky looking as first appears, it seems. He is often adorable.

And sometimes even approaching sexy.

Prince Arthur is the hottest thing in the history of ever. If I did a picspam of him, I wouldn't be able to stop, so here's just one really good one.

King Uther (or as complicat calls him, 'Lionel Uther,' a callback to another bastard father, Lionel Luther from Smallville) is a magnificent bastard who kills anyone who is even seen with sorcerers. Though he is a bastard, he also shows some redeeming qualities, such as his obvious care of his son. He pushes Arthur to be his best and to be a great king and treats him like crap when he fails, but he tells his son that he means the world to him and was torn apart when Arthur almost died


Then there's the absolutely beautiful Morgana

And her pretty maidservant, Guinevere (Gwen)

I'm not sure if there's even supposed to be a het pairing, because lord knows they're trying to make it ambiguous. I believe this is because Arthur and Merlin are too busy with each other to notice. There is however, very cute femslash, because Gwen brings her lady flowers to cheer her up.

III. Arthur/Merlin: Why They Ship Themselves

When Arthur and Merlin first meet, it's not exactly love at first sight. Arthur is bullying a servant and Merlin tells him to stop. The slash is there, however, because Arthur asks if he knows how to "walk on his knees."

Then Merlin gets thrown in jail because he didn't know he was talking to the king's son. But don't let that make you think that Merlin is to be walked over! As soon as he sees Arthur again, he confirms that Arthur is still a prat and 'a royal one' and asks if Arthur will get his daddies' men to protect him. Then they get into another fight, naturally. Yet despite this, Merlin saves Arthur's life at the end of the very first episode and is "awarded" the position of Arthur's manservant by Uther.

From then on the gay keeps on coming. Though Arthur likes to bully Merlin by making him do a laundry list of chores, putting him in the stocks to cover for him being gone, making him wear silly ass hats, and constantly calling him an idiot and the worst servant EVAR, Arthur hearts Merlin, hardcore. Merlin obviously loves Arthur too. This is apparent in the way that they bend over backwards to either die for the other or save the other's life. First Merlin drinks poison for Arthur in The Poisoned Chalice.

Arthur goes on a quest to bring his boyfriend a flower. (Okay it's for a cure, but he's getting him a flower, I promise!)

Merlin moans Arthur's name and tells him to go faster in his sleep while giving him a light to see his way out of a sticky situation.

The in The Labrinth of Gedref, Arthur drinks poison for Merlin. They even had to debate who would drink it and Arthur only gets the privlige because he does a fake out and snatches the goblet.

They do this saving thing a lot, like Merlin saving Arthur from drowning.

And Arthur doing the soccer mom arm thing with Merlin.

It came to a point where Merlin just up and said, "Whatever the price is, I'll pay it gladly" and meant to give up his life for Arthur to live.

Innuendo goes beyond just saving each other's asses all the time. Arthur goes against the wishes of his father and all good judgment when he shows up in the night to go with Merlin, Merlin's mother, Gwen, and Morgana to fight a gang of ruffians who are terrorizing Merlin's mother's village. Not only does he go and help train the villagers, on the day of battle, he *SQUEE* tells Merlin he won't be dressing Arthur in his armor today and to be even more crazy with it, he helps Merlin put on wrist armor and it totally looks like they're holding hands.

And it never ends. Arthur leans over Merlin.

Merlin sure loves to watch Arthur get all sweaty and stuff.

Arthur taking a moment to look at Merlin with his heart in his eyes while Merlin sleeps.

IV. Arthur/Merlin: Don't Just Take My Word for It!

Throughout this first series, we have a special character known by fandom as The Slash Dragon, pictured here.

Every time Merlin goes to speak with him, The Slash Dragon always talks about how Merlin and Arthur are destined to be by each others sides. He has given very happy fangirls phrases such as, "The half cannot truly hate that which makes it whole" and "You are but one side of the coin; Arthur is other."

Guinevere, who has a crush on Merlin, nevertheless hints too about how much Merlin cares, ribbing at him in Excalibur when she tells Merlin that he was was proud of Arthur, it was all over his face.

Uther sees that Merlin is "bad" for Arthur. In The Poisoned Chalice, Uther asks Arthur (in regard to Merlin dying), "Why do you care so much? He's just a servant." Arthur in turn defends his baby, saying that his father can put him in the stocks for a month as long as Uther gets the flower to his boyfriend. He even adds, "I'm begging you." Uther, in turn, does something in a magnificent bastard way and I won't tell because you have to see the awesomeness for yourself.

Even Merlin's mother ships them! At the end of The Moment of Truth, Hunith tells Merlin that they're like two sides of the same coin (she's in league with Slash Dragon, I swear). Then she tells him to go back to Camelot because he belongs at Arthur's side. And THEN she goes on to say, "I've seen how much he needs you, and how much you need him." She loves her dead gay son!

V. Resources (or a lot of recs!)

The two lists of premade recs I started out with are polyfandomrecs and crash and bun fanfiction recs. Here are my top three favorite Merlin fics (thus far) that I think everyone should read.

1.) Despoiled by astolat. My favorite author in the Supernatural fandom writes my favorite Arthur/Merlin fic among a few others. Arthur and Merlin have to be caught mid-coitus by a visiting lord's servants for plot reasons. Hot sex, great characterization, and an ending I love, love, love.

2.) Lord Drake's Bequest by sweetestdrain. An AU fic wherein Arthur fake marries his best friend Merlin to gain control of a company. Absolutely wonderful fic, it's the only AU I've read thus far in this fandom that is excellent. And it makes a great first read, because it won't spoil you for the show at all.

3.) Peach, Plum, Pear by sweetestdrain. Futurefic wherin Merlin has been gone for years and Arthur holds a contest for a new Court Magician. I love this one, Arthur is so lonely and hides it and I like the play on Queen Guinevere and the entire freaking thing. The end always gets me, because it is equal parts happy and sad at the same time.

For vids, I'm lazy and am mostly going to tell you to go look at danegen 's short rec list and her hot vid I recced before.

Also there is non lievi alchun by Lilthium Doll, a Morgana vid.

Strange and Beautiful by anime_fangirl_3 .

Happy watchings! I hope I made some sort of sense. :D

shaking and crying, pimpin' ain't easy, ye olde buttsex in camelot, recs

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