
Jan 31, 2009 12:59

I'm too lazy to actually go and read SPN reviews from others, so I'll ramble here. Also, I am going to ramble about Merlin. I finished the series!

NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN BOUT! It just needs bullet points of happiness and joy.
  • The guy who played Dean and the guy who played Sam are PERFECT. The only small beef I have is that Sam looks about ten years younger than Dean. But you know, I can't actually call bullshit, because I had a couple of freshmen boys who were that tiny last semester. Oh, and absolutely no talk of weecest from me. Perhaps if Sam was a tall, gangly, surly teen with Dean looking that hot I'd have failed a little, but Sam looks like a tiny kid and he's still doing what his Dad says, even if he doesn't want to. I'll just keep in my mind that Sam grew a foot or two in two more years and return to Sam at 17 or maybe 18 for hotness.
  • DEAN PROTECTING SAM! I lol'd so hard at the part where Dean is saying he's going to rip Dirk's lungs out.
  • I'm actually very happy that blonde girl told Dean all that about himself. I think he knows his life sucks, always has, but he mentally glorifies everything to keep happy. It makes the recent two years of Dean talking to Sam about this crappy life and how depressing it is okay by me and even a positive thing. Sam obviously wants something else, and though Dean would never ever admit it, I think he's also wanted something else all along. God, just look how happy he is in 2x20, just mowing the lawn. I LOVE DEANIE!
  • Sam whooping that kid's ass was bittersweet, but while he was doing it, I was very happy.

All right, I'm hooked. I have a weakness for these kinds of things! Merlin and Arthur are so gay for each other that it's embarrassing, really. Slashiest episodes to date are 1.4 wherein Arthur goes on an epic quest without hesitation to cure Merlin and Merlin sends him a light to guide his way (romantic!) and then 4.10, wherein Merlin nearly tells Arthur his secret, and Arthur sneaks into their camp to join them in the fight when he really should have no part. I'm still bitter that Merlin just doesn't TELL Arthur his secret. It's giving me old Clark/Lex rift issues. The Slash Dragon turned out to be unreliable, which makes me happy, because I'm tired of the old 'wise dragon who helps and will gain glory'. And Gaius lives! I was very happy for them both, and I'm glad the witch whatever her name is died because I was getting sick of her.

When is there going to be more? I have no idea how the Brits do seasons or series or whatever the hell. Come on, I know someone has to know this!

shaking and crying, halp, ye olde buttsex in camelot, spn reaction

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