Good Wife!

Sep 25, 2014 09:47

How does this show keep getting better? It's season six! This is unheard of! But man, they are just upping the stakes and throwing in twists I never see coming. I'm so enthralled.

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good wife, fangirl alert!

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Comments 4

_kirsty September 25 2014, 20:12:26 UTC

Yeah, Alicia would be safer in prison than Cary. Cary needs to get out now, or to have Bishop's protection. Either will do!

I am totally on board with Finn/Alicia. They have a lovely vibe, and on a show full of sharks, he actually seems like a decent guy. I'm already worried that they might write him darker this season because he was too sweet and good to be true last season.

Anyway, that was a great start to the season.


bigboobedcanuck September 25 2014, 20:41:05 UTC
How great is this show? I'm so delighted with it!

Cary definitely needs protection. I mean, look at that pretty face! I imagine nothing too terrible will happen to him since that would be some heavy stuff to explore, but I guess we'll see.

Yeah, I do think Finn is a good guy, and of course he has to do his job re: Cary, but he does seem not as perfect this year, which isn't a bad thing. He and Alicia have terrific chemistry, and I hope it's a nice slow burn. This show is unusually patient, so I imagine it will be.

I've always enjoyed this show, but more and more it's looking like one that I'll buy the complete DVD set for. Assuming they don't fuck it up, heh.


catteo September 25 2014, 21:51:55 UTC
This episode basically BLEW ME AWAY with the setup for the season and the understanding of the characters and the ways that they interact that really work. Alicia standing up for Cary and trying to protect him made my heart glad. Cary in prison is actually fantastic because I think that he has often been painted a little bit as the guy that just goes with the flow, but here I think we'll be shown that Cary has steel in him just like Alicia does. Any excuse for Alicia and Diane working together has me SO glad ( ... )


bigboobedcanuck September 27 2014, 01:20:11 UTC
Right? Blew me away completely! Didn't see this coming at ALL. I love it. I'm so excited to delve deeper into Cary. Everyone keeps calling him "the kid," but not for much longer.

Yeah, I love the Cary/Kalinda dynamic, but at the end of the day I think Kalinda will always break his heart and never be able to give him what he wants. So I would be down with Cary and Robyn!


Yes, Eli's daughter is fantastic. And yeah, Alicia as Finn's boss would be v.v. interesting. But I don't want her to leave the firm, so I'm torn. :/


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