Good Wife!

Sep 25, 2014 09:47

How does this show keep getting better? It's season six! This is unheard of! But man, they are just upping the stakes and throwing in twists I never see coming. I'm so enthralled.


Man, Matt Czuchry did such a great job in this ep. I've always liked him (way back to Jake 2.0), but the past couple of years I LOVE him. And I love Cary, and am so worried about him! Let's face it, he would be raped 10 ways to Sunday in prison, but I'm assuming that since he passed Bishop's test they're going to protect him now. I hope!!

Also loving Finn and shipping him with Alicia like it's going out of style. Matthew Goode is such a terrific addition to the cast. And of course I love Eli and his machinations. I do not want Alicia to be SA because I want her to stay in the firm with Cary and also work with Diane. It makes my tummy hurt when Alicia and Cary fight, but I love that she was going to take out a second mortgage for his bail and didn't want to tell him that his dad is such a douche. Also! Cary's little smile in the dock when Alicia told him to let her do the talking.

I also love David Lee and Canning in small doses. They are Frick and Frack. LOL at David Lee squirming away from everyone at Central Booking.

I'm really glad Kalinda is helping Cary, and I hope that at the end that was her way of checking on him and that she hasn't turned on him. I just don't believe Cary would do something so stupid, and also why would HE be telling drug dealers how to not get caught? I think that tape is a fake, and of course we haven't heard it yet. Anything is possible, but I just don't think Cary would do that.

When he said at the beginning of the ep that he needed to apologize to Kalinda, I was like...

Kalinda owes him the apology after what happened in the season finale! As Diane put it, LG has "exploited" Cary's feelings for Kalinda, and that is not okay. But now I think Kalinda will make it up to him. And yes, he got a bit aggressive with her that night, but Kalinda can give as good as she gets and I don't blame him for being upset. That teleconferencing plot device was GENIUS.

good wife, fangirl alert!

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