A few items of business

Sep 30, 2014 10:33

1. Saw The Maze Runner last week and super enjoyed it. I haven't read the books since I heard they suck, but the movie was quite entertaining. And of course Dylan O'Brien was the main draw, and he was so good! Also he looked incredibly beautiful throughout. I'm so happy there's no gel in the post-apocalyptic hellscape.

2. I'm already behind on returning TV shows. My goal this week is to watch SHIELD and Sleepy Hollow. And shit, The Amazing Race has started again.

3. I did watch the first two eps of Outlander on the weekend and LOVED them. Such a gorgeous show! I love the actors and the production and the music and all of it. I know that it's April for the back half of the season, and seriously the words "mid-season finale" have gotten really old, Y/Y? When The Walking Dead takes a break from Dec-Feb it makes perfect sense. Network shows have a holiday hiatus too. But shows taking SEVEN MONTHS (or more!) between the halves of a single season?

It's ridiculous. Just call it season two, because that's what it is. Sheesh.

4. OMG GOOD WIFE OMG. This show, you guys. THIS SHOW IS AMAZING. Like, I've always really enjoyed it, but now I want to own it all on DVD and rewatch and revel in it. So rare for a show to get creatively better so late in its run. I'm in awe.

OMG MY POOR BB CARY FINALLY GOT OUT. I love Matt Czuchry so much. He does a little flicker of a smile better than anyone. He is the champion.

I love that he and Alicia can disagree about work but they would mortgage their houses to bail each other out. Their friendship and partnership has been such a pleasure to see grow over the years. Needless to say, I was a puddle when THEY HUGGED FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER OMG.

And how when Cary said this is the first time we've done this and she said I think so, and I was expecting them to step back and then SHE JUST HELD ON TIGHTER. <3 <3 <3

This show, man. This show.

random tv, good wife, fangirl alert!, movies

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