Walking Dead thoughts

Oct 28, 2014 22:55

It was so satisfying to see Carol, Tyrese and Judith reunite with the gang this season. The way Darryl launched himself at Carol! Oh, my heart. course we don't know what happened with them. Gah! Need next episode!

Poor Bob. I knew he got bitten at the food bank because of the way he was acting. Woe. And poor Father Gabriel. (Unless he turns out to be evil, but I don't think so.) Poor Sasha. Poor everyone!

Let me just say that if they had not killed Gareth and his merry band of cannibals, I would've been extremely pissed off. I don't care how much his mother got raped - it doesn't justify anything. There are enough problems with zombies. Evil cannibals have got to go. May not be pleasant, but it had to be done.

Really enjoying this season thus far! I wish everyone weren't separating again, but we'll see how it goes.

And yay, Michonne and her sword are reunited! OTP!

the walking dead

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