What the actual fuck, Graceland?

Sep 13, 2014 02:33

Also, what the actual fuck, LJ app? There's no way to pick an icon now?? Or put in a cut? Am I missing something? Gah, I hate this. They are succeeding in ruining LJ because I can't use it the way I want ( Read more... )

let me tell you how i really feel, random tv, tveit

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Comments 8

bigboobedcanuck September 13 2014, 02:34:33 UTC
I can't even edit posts on the app now? How soon until they ruin the full version too? UGH.


catteo September 13 2014, 06:19:22 UTC
I would like to 100% agree with you about the thing that Paige did and the fact that we no longer have to watch this show. Who would have thought that Jakes would be the only sensible one by the end of the season?!

And the new app is shite. I couldn't find icon selections anywhere. Or cuts. And it keeps forgetting who my friends are. WOE.


bigboobedcanuck September 13 2014, 13:45:05 UTC
I seriously can't believe she did that. Look, Mike made mistakes, but JESUS CHRIST. To go find Sid (who, let's remember is A TOTAL MURDERING BAD GUY WITH NO REDEEMING QUALITIES) in cold blood and basically put out a hit on Mike?? Wow. WOW. It's not as if Mike KILLED Lena! He tried to save her, and he had good overall intentions in covering it up. He was still trying to beat the big bad. I just...wow. That's a dealbreaker for me. I mean, if Mike is really dead, I'm done. If he's not...ugh, I guess I'll still watch. I adore Aaron Tveit. The things we do for our actor boyfriends ( ... )


catteo September 14 2014, 01:15:40 UTC
Tveit is wondrous and I love to support him but really this season turned into such a shitstorm of epic proportions that I'm not even sure I can watch for him! I mean, Briggs has apparently been forgiven for being a murdering liar? Charlie's just totally shrugged it off because baby? Whatever. And Johnny has compromised an entire operation and is now going to be screwing it up on purpose? And Mike's nearly dead because his ex essentially put a hit out on him because he was trying to protect her feelings? IT MAKES ZERO SENSE TO ME. These people are supposed to be grown ass federal agents! Paige used to be my favourite. I would like to congratulate the show on making me hate her with a passion now.

I'm assuming that the coyness is because they don't know if they're getting renewed? So they don't want to say too much in case they do and they've committed to one way that things will go.

You're welcome on the frustration sharing! The worst thing is that my app updated itself automatically - I didn't even know it could DO that!


bigboobedcanuck September 14 2014, 13:54:10 UTC
Jeff Eastin keeps saying Mike had to pay for his sins, and I'm like...

... )


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