What the actual fuck, Graceland?

Sep 13, 2014 02:33

Also, what the actual fuck, LJ app? There's no way to pick an icon now?? Or put in a cut? Am I missing something? Gah, I hate this. They are succeeding in ruining LJ because I can't use it the way I want!

Since I can't put in a cut, I guess I'll just say that I can't believe Paige did that, and if what appears to have happened has actually happened, that's one less show I need to watch.

ETA: Changed the icon on my computer. Why the eff is the app functionality now so bare? It was great before? Now it gives you the options FB does. STOP TRYING TO BE FB, LJ.

Also, Graceland spoilers in the comments.

let me tell you how i really feel, random tv, tveit

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