Yes. This.

Jul 11, 2013 08:37

I want to marry the person who made this video.

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I like Derek and Jennifer fine, mostly due to the actress being great, but seriously. Parallels ( Read more... )

why can't we have nice things?, let me tell you how i really feel, teen wolf

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Comments 14

mech_bull July 11 2013, 17:09:37 UTC
Seriously, I know I've said multiple times that I don't expect them to be canon, and I don't, but I find these parallels more and more enraging. I don't think I have enough faith in the "gift" that is Jeff Davis to believe he's doing this for a pro-Sterek reason. Combined with the shitty way they've handled both characters' love interests this season, I've become a much more devoted shipper than I ever was before because at least many (though certainly not all) fans have been able to write well-developed, in character romances as opposed to the crap they're giving us ( ... )


bigboobedcanuck July 11 2013, 19:01:47 UTC

When I first heard people mention parallels between them, I kind of just laughed it off, but watching that vid, I was like...WELL. Parallels indeed. And maybe it's entirely unintentional, but...

And besides, it isn't like there's some kind of limit. We could actually have more than one.

THIS. I really wish more shows would follow Degrassi's diversity example. Sure, it's Canadian, but it's very popular on Nickelodeon. I haven't watched the last couple of seasons only because I cut my cable and stopped getting MuchMusic, but a few years ago there were three independent LGBT storylines: a gay couple, a lesbian couple and a trans boy. The characters were in totally different social circles, and weren't in a "gay ghetto." It was so wonderful to see.

I'm talking about having the courage to go in an unexpected, unplanned direction based solely on the chemistry of two "default-straight" primary/leading characters who actually have more to contribute to a show than being the token gays.THIS. This SO much. If Stiles or Derek were female, ( ... )


mech_bull July 11 2013, 19:35:04 UTC
At first, I was like "Yeah, there are some similar scenes. But I think you might be reading too much into it." And then there was the "With my teeth" line and I was like "No, OK. This has to be intentional. Four is enough for a warrant and all that."

I have several theories about it: 1) there's some motive here. Some she's evil, stealing his memories, laying the groundwork for Sterek motive. 2) They think we're so easily manipulated, the parallels will get us to ship them no questions asked. 3) They think it's a "clever" homage to the Sterek fans who will never get to see what we really want. They think we'll be tickled pink at the recognition and move on. 4) They don't even realize they're sending an incredibly awful message about "if these two weren't dudes..."

What I don't get, though, are the people saying Jennifer is just a female Stiles. There are parallels between the relationships but I don't see all that many between the characters. Although I do see some similarities in looks, mannerisms and personality, it's not fair or ( ... )


darlulu July 12 2013, 01:43:48 UTC
Jumping in to say that I think it's a combination of 2, 3 and 4. Jennifer will probably turn out to be more than what she seems (evil, being used by someone evil, supernatural in some other non-evil but complicated way or her entire relationship with Derek will have been hallucinatory and she is a teacher at the school, but hasn't been having any of these interactions with him, etc), but I think the scenes so far were still meant to pacify Sterek shippers. I really do think they assumed that the female fans who shipped Sterek would get on board with a hetero Sterek-like pairing with a female character who's so much of a cipher it ostensibly allows them to put themselves in her shoes and live out their fantasy of sexing Derek through her. If that's really the case, it's really offensive on all sorts of levels. I'd love to be proven wrong.


parkergray July 12 2013, 22:06:28 UTC
So here's my problem. This is particularly to do with the 'Danny's going to get a boyfriend!' argument being mentioned whenever enthusiasm is expressed re: Sterek.

I don't ship Stiles and Derek because I want to see two hot dudes making out. I ship Stiles and Derek BECAUSE OF STILES AND DEREK. Their relationship and (let's be honest) unbelievable chemistry made me ship them, not me going down the list of characters and saying, 'I like these two dudes the best - they should get it on.'

Mentioning the fact that Danny is going to get a boyfriend has nothing to do with wanting Stiles and Derek to get together. That's like shipping...I don't even know, Donna and Josh (going old school with the West Wing references up in here!) and the response being, 'Well, they're not going to get together, but Donna's going to get a boyfriend!'

Um...okay. One has nothing to do with the other.

I don't understand why people can't understand that.



bigboobedcanuck July 13 2013, 15:23:31 UTC
I don't ship Stiles and Derek because I want to see two hot dudes making out. I ship Stiles and Derek BECAUSE OF STILES AND DEREK. Their relationship and (let's be honest) unbelievable chemistry made me ship them, not me going down the list of characters and saying, 'I like these two dudes the best - they should get it on.'

Yes. YES. Do I want more LGBT characters and relationships on TV in general? Of course. But in the case of TW, we ship Sterek because of their chemistry. Not just because we want something gay. Jeff says he never expected it or planned it, and uses that was an excuse to not pursue it. Hey, we didn't expect it either. This is how chemistry on TV works. Sometimes characters/actors just spark. Veronica and Logan were never supposed to get together, but the show changed course once they realized the awesomeness they had on their hands.

I've said this before, but it's like mining for nickel and finding gold. Nickel's still a good thing, but you don't toss gold away with a shrug!

Mentioning the fact that Danny is ( ... )


aivilo_18 July 13 2013, 15:14:28 UTC
Yeah, I noticed the "showing up at the school dying" Stiles/Jennifer parallel *immediately*. Like, even before Derek bloody-hand-printed Jennifer's car, I knew it was going to happen and was all "WHAT. NO. DON'T DO IT. OH FUCK YOU DID IT." There was definitely a Picard face-palm moment on my end. And, I mean, c'mon. Ripping throats out with teeth lines. Are you fucking kidding me? That has to be intentional on Jeff's part, but I don't know his reasoning behind it and it's driving me up the wall ( ... )


bigboobedcanuck July 13 2013, 15:28:05 UTC
That has to be intentional on Jeff's part, but I don't know his reasoning behind it and it's driving me up the wall.

If it is intentional, I would love to know, that's for damn sure.

I do really like Jennifer, for which I'm grateful.

unlike, say, my eventual issues with the Stiles characterizations that I will have if he doesn't S a D at some point during this show


I thought for sure that Season 3 was going to be the season that broke my heart with bad plots and too many characters and that I would tragically fall out of love and downward spiral into a bottomless pit of despair and alcoholism and bad carbs and I'm just happy that hasn't happened. Yet.

1) I love you.
2) I live in hope that this season will not break us. Overall I am loving it, despite a couple of hiccups.


aivilo_18 July 13 2013, 15:59:05 UTC
I think I'll love Jennifer even more if she's evil/not what she seems. Not because I'm hoping for a fall-out that ends in Sterek (or at least not *only* that) and not because Perpetually Broken Derek does things to my feelings, but because intelligently, thoughtfully created female villains are ALWAYS appealing to me. Case in point, Glory from Buffy was one of the most delightful creatures ever (I *loved* her), Faith was just the very best thing, and "Elementary" did some amaaaaaazing things with their first season that has me looking forward to season 2 SO MUCH ( ... )


bigboobedcanuck July 13 2013, 17:00:35 UTC
Agree on all counts, especially the elephant in the room that Jeff invited in. *nods*


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