In the Flesh

Jun 22, 2013 23:19

Has anyone watched this three-part BBC zombie series? It was really good! An original spin on the zombie genre where a treatment is found and the zombies are rehabbed and considered to have Partially Deceased Syndrome. (Which sounds funny, but it's really quite a dramatic and tragic show.)

Really great acting from everyone, and nice to see a gay ( Read more... )

random tv, via ljapp, something gay no doubt

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Comments 20

nutmeg3 June 23 2013, 03:34:54 UTC
I'm not reading behind the cut, because I've only seen the first episode, though the other two are on my TiVo. I really like it so far. Sad and creepy at the same time.


bigboobedcanuck June 23 2013, 03:39:34 UTC
Glad you're watching it! I watched the second and third episode tonight. Creepy and sad and gut wrenching. I definitely got attached to the characters very quickly!


charley_ryan June 23 2013, 03:46:15 UTC
I like it. I was fearing something kinda lame in the "taming of the zombie" part but it was done really well. Sad and sweet and creepy. I was shocked that the lead is gay. It's not often seen. Yeah, there's got to be another rising just to get Rick back.


bigboobedcanuck June 23 2013, 13:35:03 UTC
Yeah, I was so surprised to have an LGBT lead character! I think this might be a first? (Aside from QAF and L Word, obviously -- but I mean a show that's not *about* gay people.)

I'm such a sap, so I totally want Rick to rise again. It just seems so unfair that they didn't get a chance to properly reconnect.


cjmarlowe June 23 2013, 03:53:12 UTC
I watched it a while back and it killed me when Rick died again, I wanted so much for them to have some kind of happy ending. But still, the whole thing was so good and so wrenching all the way through.


bigboobedcanuck June 23 2013, 13:37:11 UTC
Right? I knew it was coming, but gah -- still a punch to the gut. I really liked the actor who played Rick. I liked all the actors, but he did a very good job making me care about him in a very short period of time. When Kieren pulled the knife out, I was hoping, hoping, hoping that Rick would revive. :((


mi_nion June 23 2013, 04:09:39 UTC
I watched and t really surprised. I was skeptical with the first episode. But the 2nd and 3rd really did me in. I was really touched when the free spirit young lady opted to move away. I was glad they did spend to much time on the radical undead movement and just focused on who these people were.

You know what? I was okay with Rick dying again. It made Kieran face all the fears that had cause him to kill himself to begin with. Rick wasn't ready to face his dad. He joined the army rather than admit to his dad he was in love with Keiran and despite a giant Frankenstein wound on the side of his face, he was willing to pretend he was normal to please his dad. Kieran deserved a better undead gay boyfriend.


bigboobedcanuck June 23 2013, 13:41:55 UTC
I hear what you're saying, but I think Rick was getting there -- hence taking the makeup off and telling his dad that he's the same as Kieren. It's so sad that he never got the chance to properly make up with Kieren.

I'm glad they didn't spend too much time on the radical movement either, and it was more character based. I imagine the movement will figure more into S2.


cindergal June 23 2013, 04:50:58 UTC
I have it recorded but haven't had a chance to watch it yet. I just went to see World War Z tonight. Zombies, zombies everywhere! (I liked it, BTW. Haven't read the book, so can't compare.)


bigboobedcanuck June 23 2013, 13:43:50 UTC
Seriously, we're overrun with zombies! Glad you liked the movie. I haven't read the book either, but the flick looks good.


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