In the Flesh

Jun 22, 2013 23:19

Has anyone watched this three-part BBC zombie series? It was really good! An original spin on the zombie genre where a treatment is found and the zombies are rehabbed and considered to have Partially Deceased Syndrome. (Which sounds funny, but it's really quite a dramatic and tragic show.)

Really great acting from everyone, and nice to see a gay lead character. I look forward to S2, as three eps was far too short. It would've really benefited from more time to develop the conflicts.

Even so, I have all the feels and really cared about the characters in a short period of time. Of course my main complaint is:

WTF RICK DIED AGAIN. Sigh. Why can't we ever have nice gay things? Like it wasn't tragic enough already? This was like a fix-it fic where the character dies again. So unfair! I could obviously see it coming, and at least Rick's asshole dad got his.

But...*wibbles* Rick clearly needs to rise from the dead again so he and Kieren can unlive happily ever after. :((

Still, as I said, nice to see leading canon gay characters in a genre show, even if it ends tragically as per the usual.

Man, the ending where Kieren's dad talked about finding his body was just heartbreaking. I just finished watching it before making this post, so I'm all stuffed up from crying.

It'll definitely be interesting to see where they go in season two.

random tv, via ljapp, something gay no doubt

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