Luke/Reid fanfic: "Luke and Reid Go to P-town," NC-17 2/?

Sep 10, 2010 09:11

Canon? What canon? I really need to visit a happy place this week, so come along to P-town, which really is one of the happiest, most awesome places on Earth. Let the sexytimes commence! Thanks to mcfeste for the awesome beta and susanderavish for the unending inspiration. xo

Part one

They can hear the thumpa-thumpa of the Tea Dance from a couple of blocks away as they navigate the crowds on Commercial Street. Luke feels a thrill of excitement as they reach the Boatslip, a resort that hosts the daily dance party. There’s no need to ask for directions to the dance, as the large wooden deck by the ocean is teeming with men shimmying to a Lady Gaga remix.

Luke keeps hold of Reid’s hand tightly, ignoring Reid’s whines of protest as they join the crowd. Luke sways to the music, but Reid remains rooted to the spot. Luke gazes around at all the scantily clad, smooth-skinned men packed onto the deck, laughing and dancing and picking up. He leans in close to Reid. “Isn’t this amazing?”

Reid’s eyebrows lift. “In what way, exactly?”

Luke tamps down a flash of irritation and nudges Reid’s hip with his own. “All these gay men together in one place.”

“It’s an outdoor gay bar. Thrilling.” Reid’s expression softens a touch. “You’ve been to a gay bar before, right?”

“There are pretty much only two bars in Oakdale, and the only time either of them are gay is when I’m there.” This is a whole new world, and Luke is determined to enjoy it. “So would you stop being such a grump and just dance with me?”

Reid pulls Luke close and kisses him softly, and Luke accepts the apology, kissing him back. When they part, Reid shuffles awkwardly and could not look more uncomfortable amid the crowd of revellers. But he doesn’t complain again. He even smiles and relaxes against Luke, letting Luke lead him to the beat, their bodies pressed together.

The sun is hot in the cloudless sky, and the man next to them on the deck peels his shirt off. Luke can’t help but admire the hard muscles of the stranger’s chest, and blushes when Reid catches his gaze. “Sorry. Couldn’t help myself.”

Reid gives Luke a long look and then he’s lifting his own t-shirt over his head. “Guess I’ll have to work harder to keep your interest.”

Luke’s hands roam over Reid’s torso like magnets drawn to metal. “Oh yeah, I’m interested. Believe me.” He leans in and sucks on the side of Reid’s neck, and his cock springs to life, pressing against the fly of his jeans.

Reid feels it, and he pulls Luke in close, his hands on Luke’s ass. They kiss, tongues duelling, the heat between them blooming from a simmer to boiling over in no time at all. The beat of the music pulsates through the wooden deck and they move to it as one.

“You’re a better dancer than you think,” Luke murmurs.

“I have a good partner.”

Luke knows from Reid’s expression that he’s talking about so much more than dancing, and a swoop of joy flows through him. Partners. And they are. They really, really are, in a way Luke has never experienced. He holds Reid close, arms wrapped around his bare back, and just breathes him in as they sway together.

It’s hot and sweaty in the midst of the crowd and under the sun. Reid goes to get drinks, and Luke people watches. He spots a few “bears” grouped together in one corner of the dance floor, heavier-set men with much more facial and body hair than the majority of the partiers. Luke can’t help but marvel again at the fact that he’s surrounded by hundreds of gay men all in one place.

There’s a tap on his shoulder, and Luke turns to take his drink from Reid. Except it’s not Reid, but a tall, strapping young man with wide shoulders and a wider smile. “Hey. You’re hot.”

“Um, I…thank you.” Luke glances around for Reid, who hasn’t emerged from the sea of bodies by the bar.

“Let’s dance.” The guy leans into Luke.

“Actually, I’m here with my boyfriend.” Luke sidesteps.

“So am I.” He waves to a man across the floor who waves back happily. He steps closer to Luke again. “You're new, huh?”

“Yeah. Look, you seem really nice and everything-”

“It’s just a dance, honey. Relax.”

Luke figures he has a point, and he doesn’t want to be unfriendly. So he smiles and starts moving to the music again. His dance partner keeps some sunlight between them, and shakes his hips to the beat. It’s actually kind of fun.

“Gee, mind if I cut in?”

Luke turns to find Reid standing a few feet away holding two water bottles. “Hey! Reid, this is…” He addresses his new friend. “Sorry, I don’t know your name.”

Before the man can answer, Reid is pushing him away with an outstretched arm. “Doesn’t matter. He’s leaving.”

The man simply laughs. “Okay, okay, I’m going. Have fun!” He grooves off into the crowd.



“Did you have to be so rude?”


Luke sighs. “Do you seriously think I was into that guy?”

“No. But he was into you.”

Luke can’t help but feel a warm glow from Reid’s jealousy. He kisses him. “Dr. Oliver, you have nothing to worry about.”

Reid gives Luke one of the bottles and takes a swig from his own. “Of course not.”

Chuckling, Luke drinks. He didn’t realize how thirsty he was and empties his bottle quickly. “Man. It’s hot out here.”

Reid offers his bottle. “Finish mine.”

As Luke does, a thought occurs. “You didn’t want to get a beer?”

“Nah. Water’s better for hydration.”

“But you love beer. Almost as much as you love sandwiches.”

“So, are we dancing here, or what?” Reid pulls Luke close, his hands on Luke’s hips as he shuffles left and right.

Reid really is a terrible dancer, and Luke laughs as his hands skim over Reid’s bare chest. He circles a nipple with his fingertip. “Oh, we’re dancing all right.” He kisses Reid again and whispers in his ear. “Thank you for coming to the Tea Dance.”

After a while, Luke has had enough loud music and throng of people, and he decides it’s time to put Reid out of his misery. They escape down to the beach, and Luke peels his shirt off, too, slinging it through a belt loop. They carry their shoes and walk across the wet sand. The tide is low, and soon they could walk all the way across the bay to a light house standing sentry on a finger of land curving out from the peninsula that is the very tip of Cape Cod.

Luke finds himself watching Reid from the corner of his eye. He can’t remember the last time - or any time, really - that he’s seen Reid so relaxed. He reaches out and tickles Reid’s belly. “Admit it. You love Provincetown.”

“Hey!” Reid squirms out of reach. “I admit nothing.”

“Are you ticklish?” Luke adds it to the list of discoveries he’s made about Dr. Reid Oliver.

“No,” Reid answers. Too quickly.

Luke’s attack lacks finesse, but he has gravity and momentum on his side as he tackles Reid to the wet sand. His fingers torment Reid’s sensitive skin, and Reid gasps and wriggles and tries to escape. He gets the upper hand, straddling Luke and pinning his hands down, which Luke really doesn’t mind one bit.

Luke’s about to attempt a roll manoeuvre when Reid kisses him, and then he forgets all about tickle fights, and winning. Reid’s all fire when they begin, but then he slows things down, pressing little kisses all over Luke’s face. Luke has a moment of frustration, wanting more, more, more, but he takes a deep breath, reminding himself they’re in public in broad daylight, even if it’s P-town. “Maybe we could go back to the hotel now.”

Reid nods, but they don’t move. Instead they close their eyes and rest in the sunshine, covered in sand and seaweed and seashell fragments and all the remnants that the sea left behind. Reid presses Luke into the soft earth, and Luke thinks that he could stay here forever.

“Naaancy! I’m all goooopy!”

The harsh tones of a thick Brooklyn accent cut through the peace. Reid shifts on top of Luke, but doesn’t get up.

“My feet are all goooopy! Wait, Mitzi!”

That’s when Luke and Reid are pounced on. The dog is a small Yorkie with a pink bow in the curly brown hair atop its little head. It yips and leaps and licks both Luke and Reid, apparently extremely excited to have escaped its mother.

“Oh my gawd, she’s going to get sand fleas!” The woman rushes over. She’s older, probably in her early sixties, and has jet black hair and huge sunglasses.

Luke and Reid untangle themselves and Luke scoops up Mitzi. “Here you go.” He hands her to the grateful woman.

Another older woman, presumably Nancy, arrives in tow. Her hair is also black, but cut in a short, butch style. A cigarette hangs between lips painted with frosted pink lipstick. “Janis, for God’s sake, relax. She won’t get fleas. You worry too much.”

Janis examines the dog. “This sand is all wet and goopy and now it’s all over her! It’s probably full of fleas!”

Nancy ignores her and addresses Luke and Reid, rolling her eyes slightly. “Thank you for rescuing Mitzi.”

Luke grins. “Anytime.”

“Sorry we interrupted your little nap!” Janis adds. “I remember one time-”

“We have to go. Bye.” Reid gives a little wave and collects his shoes from the sand, grabbing on Luke’s hand to urge him to follow suit.

“Sorry! Nice to meet you!” Luke waves and smiles as they make their escape.

Leaving Nancy and Janis behind, Luke and Reid head back to shore. “That was a bit rude.” Luke feels a twinge of guilt for not staying to talk to the ladies.

“It could have been a whole lot ruder. Trust me.”

Luke clucks his tongue. “They’re harmless, Reid.”

“Did I say they weren’t? But I’m not really interested in getting friendly with a couple of lesbians and their dog. It had a bow.” Reid shudders.

“Who are you interested in getting friendly with, then? Anyone in mind?”

Reid’s grin is sly. “You might know him.”

Luke leans into Reid as they near the shore. Of course, now they’re covered in wet sand, which is rather unpleasant.

“Luuuuke. I’m all goooopy!”

Giggling, Luke shushes Reid as he spots an outdoor shower. Enclosed with wooden walls, the shower belongs to a beachside condo currently host to a party. Above them on three levels, a stream of chatter, laughter and music floats on the air. “I’m sure they won’t mind,” Luke whispers, leading Reid into the enclosure.

They rinse off under a steady stream of cool water, washing away the gritty sand and seaweed remnants. Somehow the sand has gotten beneath his jeans, so after a moment of hesitation, Luke strips them off. Reid follows suit, his boxer briefs clinging to him deliciously. Despite the privacy of the shower walls, the thought that they’re in public with dozens of people close by is intoxicating. Luke abandons the task of cleaning himself and kisses Reid deeply, sweeping his tongue into Reid’s mouth.

“Well, look what the tide washed in.”

Luke and Reid both jump at the sound of a stranger’s voice and look up. A young man leans over the balcony above, grinning. “Please, don’t let me stop you. Wanna come inside? We’re having a party.” His gaze rakes up and down their bodies. “Or we could have a little party for three.”

The guy’s undeniably hot, but Luke’s arms steal around Reid’s waist. Reid holds him closely and speaks up. “Thanks for the invitation, but I don’t share well with others. Never have.”

The man shrugs amiably. “Fair enough. But feel free to come up for a drink.”

“Sure. Thanks for the shower,” Reid adds.

Alone again, Luke and Reid pull on their soaked jeans with difficulty. They leave their shirts hooked into their belt loops and make their way back to Commercial Street. There’s silence between them and Luke feels the need to fill it. He clears his throat. “Have you ever? Had a threesome?”

Reid takes Luke’s hand as they continue ambling back toward their hotel. “I have. It’s been a few years, though.”

“Do you want to? I mean, not right this second, maybe, but...down the road?” Luke’s heart begins thumping a bit faster. He’s not sure what he wants to hear.

Reid stops, and a family of lesbians with a gaggle of children have to side step around them. “I don’t want anyone but you.” He cups Luke’s cheek in his hand, and Luke leans into his touch. “You’re the best I’ve ever had.”

Luke flushes. “It’s nice of you to say that-”

“When am I ever nice? You’re the best I’ve ever had. No one else comes close.”

Luke presses their lips together, and they kiss softly until a taxi honks and they move to the side of the road. They walk the steep hill to their hotel hand in hand, and Luke doesn't stop smiling once.

Back in their room, he peels off his wet clothing and snuggles into a robe. The sun has begun its slow descent when he climbs the circular stairs to their private, rooftop patio. Standing at the railing, the whole world is ocean and sky, the roofs of Provincetown clustered below.

Feeling daring, Luke drops his robe before sprawling out on the cushion of the chaise lounge on his stomach. The breeze whispers over his skin and he closes his eyes, head pillowed on his folded arms. He hears Reid on the stairs, followed by a long stretch of silence.

Luke’s about to lift his head to see if Reid went back down to their suite, but there's movement and the slide of material as Reid’s robe joins his on the wooden deck. Luke smiles to himself and waits for Reid’s touch.

He never has to wait long.

Straddling Luke, Reid rests on Luke’s thighs and begins working his way down Luke’s body. Lips, tongue, fingers - they caress and tease, stroking and tormenting. Reid’s breath is hot on Luke’s skin and Luke’s cock grows ever harder beneath him.

The fact that it’s not dark yet adds to Luke’s excitement. There were too many people and children around on the beach, and he knows that now they’re at the very top of the hotel _which is one of the highest points in P-town), but his pulse still races at the thought that they might be seen. It’s the third time this day he’s had such thoughts, and he allows himself to just let go now.

As if reading Luke’s mind, Reid smiles against Luke’s lower back. “You like being outside. Exposed.”

Luke moans. “Fuck me. Out here.”

“Need an appetizer first. Bet this hasn’t been on the menu before.”

Luke doesn’t get a chance to ask what Reid means before Reid spreads Luke’s ass and Luke loses his train of thought. A moment later Reid’s tongue swirls around Luke’s hole, and Luke gasps as the pleasure bolts through him.

He heard about rimming on an old episode of Sex and the City, but was always afraid Noah would think he was weird for wanting to try it. But now Reid’s licking Luke’s asshole. And it’s incredible. As Reid nuzzles Luke’s crack and pushes his tongue inside, Luke groans, the pleasure radiating outward and zeroing in on his cock.

Reid licks and kisses and Luke feels like he might vibrate right up and float away on the ocean breeze if not for Reid’s strong hands holding him down, spreading him open. The pressure on Luke’s cock is almost unbearable and he ruts against the cushion, thrusting his hips as he moans loudly, not caring who might hear.

The intimacy of the act is breathtaking. Reid is inside him with his mouth, loving him. Eyes closed, his ass lifting to meet Reid’s mouth, Luke pants, the sweet pressure strumming through his body as he strains towards release. He cries out Reid’s name as his balls tighten, shuddering as he spills all over his stomach and the chaise, the bliss overtaking him.

Luke is boneless as Reid gently rolls him over. He laps at Luke’s come and milks Luke’s cock for every last drop as Luke catches his breath, the final flutters of pleasure rippling out over his body. Reid’s rock hard, and Luke wants Reid’s cock inside him. Now.

With a surge of adrenaline, he urges Reid up until he’s straddling Luke’s chest. Luke guides Reid’s cock to his mouth, swallowing it as deeply as he can. Reid groans and Luke knows from the tension in his body that he’s keeping himself in check, letting Luke make all the moves. Luke lets Reid’s dick slip out from between his lips.

“Fuck my mouth.”

Reid’s eyes darken with lust and he grips Luke’s hair in one hand as he thrusts into Luke’s mouth. Luke relaxes his throat and breathes steadily through his nose as Reid’s cock fills him, overwhelming his senses. The taste and musky smell and the feel of Reid’s cock throbbing in Luke’s mouth is a ready rush.

He grasps Reid’s ass, squeezing and urging him to go faster, deeper. Luke is consumed, almost choking, but he wants more. His lips stretch around Reid’s cock, spit dripping down his chin. He swallows and Reid moans Luke’s name, pumping into him, fingers tight in Luke’s hair. Then he goes rigid and shoots down Luke’s throat, pulsing into him in long spurts as he gasps. Luke swallows every drop.

Reid’s fingers loosen in Luke’s hair and he gently slides free. He stretches out on top of Luke, breathing heavily. Twilight enfolds them. Reid smiles, his fingertips light as they trace Luke’s lips. “Best I’ve ever had.”

“Reid, you’re…I…” Luke can’t seem to regain the ability of speech.

They kiss softly, wrapped in each other’s arms. Luke can feel the wetness beneath him, and he smiles ruefully. “I think we need to pay for a new chaise.”

Reid laughs. “I’m sure housekeeping can get it out. It’s P-town. They must have their ways.”

“Mmm. Not so bad here after all, huh?”

“Are you going to keep saying that all weekend?”


“Guess I’ll have to keep your mouth busy, then.”

As Reid kisses him thoroughly, Luke finds he doesn’t mind at all.

To be continued…

Part three

luke/reid fic, team reid

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