Luke/Reid Fic: "Luke and Reid Go to P-town," NC-17, 1/?

Aug 29, 2010 19:33

It began on a bar napkin during my vacation to Provincetown with susanderavish and mcfeste. I think it's time Luke and Reid had a vacation, don't you?

Sequel to Future Tense. No spoilers. Thanks to mcfeste for the beta!

Reid Oliver has never been to P-town. Reid Oliver has never wanted to go to P-town.

Yet here he stands on a Boston dock under a hot July sun, amid a throng of men surging onto a ferry. Reid has spotted exactly two women in the crowd of hundreds. Luke practically bounces on board, fingers interlaced with Reid’s as he chatters excitedly about the wonders awaiting them in Provincetown, Cape Cod’s gay mecca.

It’s been two weeks since they had sex for the first time. Due to a ridiculous convergence of hospital emergencies and Snyder family drama that took Luke away for a week as he and his father chased down his aunt and returned her to the nut house - sorry, the psychiatric facility - they’ve barely been alone again.

“Aren’t you glad I surprised you at the conference?” Luke grins and pulls Reid to the railing at the front of the boat.

“Yes.” Reid can’t help but smile back.

Especially since Luke had yanked him into a supply closet at the Boston Marriott after Reid’s speech to the National Association of Neurosurgeons, sunk to his knees, and given Reid an exceptional blow job. The morning after their first time, when Luke was too tender to have Reid inside him again so soon, Luke had pleasured Reid exquisitely with his mouth.

Exquisite. Exceptional. The words swirl around Reid’s mind as he watches Luke, who somehow takes joy in what is a glorified commuter ferry ride. Extraordinary.

When the ferry docks, they follow the crowd out to Commercial Street, which Luke, who has done his research, says is the main road through the quaint town. He wants to walk to their hotel, and Reid agrees when he sees how narrow the streets are and how the pedestrians take precedence over the cars.

Pulling their small suitcases, they walk past countless shops and restaurants. A young man sits on the curb and strums his guitar, singing of summertime. Rainbow flags flutter in the salty breeze, and a red-haired drag queen in a lime green jumpsuit whizzes by on a scooter.

Reid’s never really been a part of the “gay community” - he was always too busy studying or working. The idea of a garish Pride parade gives him hives. Yet he can’t help but feel happy and relaxed with Luke at his side, clasping his hand and chattering as they make their way past gabled B&Bs and vibrant flower gardens overflowing with colour.

He’s less happy when he realizes their hotel sits atop a rather large hill.

Luke shrugs. “Come on, old man.” Then he gets a gleam in his eye. “Race you!”

“Race? It’s over eighty degrees out and-”

Luke is already running, his suitcase trailing in his wake, and Reid never met a challenge he didn’t take. By the time they reach the top of the winding driveway, they’re sweating and huffing and flushed. The desk clerk eyes them slyly as they check in, likely imagining a different cause for their physical state.

Luke has spared no expense and their room is a penthouse with a rooftop deck, king-sized bed and floor to ceiling windows that look out over an incredible view of the bay. Not that they’re looking at the view, since as soon as the door closes, they lunge at each other.

Clothes are flung aside and their skin is slick from the race up the hill as they topple to the carpet, not quite able to make the bed. Reid’s on his back and Luke writhes against him, tongue diving into Reid’s mouth.

Luke breaks their kiss and pins Reid’s wrists down. “Admit that I won.”

“I’ll do no such thing. It was clearly a tie.”

“You were at least three feet behind me!”

“I was the first one in the room.”

“We weren’t racing to the room.” Luke leans down to kiss him, grinding his hips down.

Reid can only groan at the delicious pressure on his cock. Still grasping Reid’s wrists, Luke rotates his hips again and dips his head to lick Reid’s nipples in turn. At Reid’s breathy moan, Luke’s eyes shine with need. “I want you inside me again. It’s all I’ve been able to think about.”

“That right?” Reid’s cock throbs and he lifts his hips, seeking more pressure.

“While we were apart, I used my fingers and pretended it was you when I jerked off in the shower.”

Reid’s hips thrust up again and he lifts his head to find Luke’s mouth, kissing him deeply. When they gasp for air, Reid grits out, “Fuck. Don’t have anything with me.” He curses himself for not stopping at the drug store on the way to the ferry. Luke’s surprise appearance at the conference clearly shorted out his higher brain function.

“Got it covered.” Luke slithers off Reid and crawls over to his suitcase. He pulls out a jumbo box of condoms and the biggest tube of lube Reid has ever seen. Reid has to laugh, and Luke laughs along. Then he asks, “How do you want to…” There’s a flash of vulnerability on Luke’s face, and Reid remembers that it’s still new to him.

“C’mere.” Reid pulls Luke on top of him again. He wants to watch Luke ride him, wants to watch as Luke takes control. Reid squeezes the lube onto Luke’s fingers instead of his own, and guides Luke’s hand back. “Show me.”

Lips parted, Luke rises up on his knees and reaches behind. His eyelids flutter as he fingers himself, and his cock leaks, rock hard as it juts out. Reid has to touch him, and his hands roam over Luke’s chest, circling his nipples as Luke moans.

When Reid has the condom on, he takes Luke’s hips and guides him down inch by inch. Luke’s eyes widen as he takes Reid in, and Reid can feel him stretching. It’s so hot and tight and God. He resists the almost overpowering urge to pull Luke down and rut up into him.


His name is little more than a sigh as Luke slides down, his thighs quivering just a bit as he seems to fight a similar urge to slam all the way home despite the pain it will cause. Reid caresses Luke’s back, his hand stroking up and down evenly as Luke envelops him. Taking Luke’s cock in his other hand, Reid flicks his thumb over the slit, sending a shudder through Luke’s body.

With Reid all the way inside him, Luke begins experimenting. He shifts up a few inches and then slides back down. Wriggles side to side. Squeezes around Reid’s cock, which makes Reid’s vision flicker as the pleasure radiates through him. As Luke begins riding him slowly, Reid’s hands are firm on Luke’s hips, guiding him and lifting him to take some of the pressure off.

Luke’s chest glistens and they both breathe heavily as Luke’s pace increases. His head tips back, eyes closed as he lets himself go. It’s beautiful, and Reid feels a swell of love in his chest as he watches. Exquisite. Exceptional. Extraordinary.


Luke opens his eyes and he must see something in Reid’s expression, because he leans down and kisses him, hand finding Reid’s, fingers entwining. “Love you so much,” Luke whispers.

“So much,” Reid repeats back. He’s never felt so connected to another human being. Has never wanted this before. Now he craves it like air and water and triple-decker sandwiches.

There are no more words as their bodies strive together, hands and mouths seeking as the incredible heat where they’re joined reaches out and engulfs them. Luke moans as he rocks up and down, faster and faster with little movements until he’s shaking and coming, spraying Reid’s chest. He grips Reid’s cock so tightly as his body jerks, and Reid lets go, the ecstasy washing over him like a tidal wave.

Luke moves gingerly and lifts off Reid’s softening cock, collapsing onto the floor on his side, chest heaving. He smiles, and Reid smiles back, and they lie there, grinning stupidly at each other, sticky and spent.

In the shower, they kiss lazily, and Reid can’t seem to stop touching Luke’s ass, his fingers caressing. “Feel okay?”

Luke nods and presses his lips to the pulse point on Reid’s neck. “Bit sore. Can’t wait until you can fuck me hard.”

Reid’s cock twitches at the thought and he groans. “Jesus, Luke. Keep that up and you’ll get your wish sooner rather than later.”

He can feel Luke smile against his neck. “Nah.” He raises his head and their eyes meet. “You’d never hurt me.”

Reid kisses him softly. Never.


Reid’s in no rush to get dressed, even though they missed lunch and he should be starving. Instead, he’s content to relax on the bed in a soft terrycloth bathrobe and watch Luke putter around the room, hanging up clothes and pausing every few seconds to stare out at the ocean.

Just when Reid’s about to suggest ordering room service, Luke glances at the clock. “Shit! It’s almost four!”

“So? We’re on vacation this weekend. No schedules. No pagers.” He reaches out his arm. “Let’s have dinner in bed.”

But Luke is already getting dressed. “And miss the Tea Dance? I read that it’s a P-town rite of passage. Come on, get up.”

“I have no idea what on God’s green Earth a ‘Tea Dance’ might be, but since it involves the word ‘dance,’ I’m going to have to pass.”

Luke pulls a white, sleeveless t-shirt over his head. It hugs his form, showing off his lean muscles. He steps into a pair of jeans that seem tighter than usual, and a sly smile graces his lips. “Okay, I guess I’ll have to go alone.” He shrugs slightly. “I’m sure I’ll make friends.”

Reid thinks back to their walk from the ferry, and the endless multitude of men they passed. Buff, hot men, eager for a good time. “On second thought…”

To be continued…
Part two

luke/reid fic, team reid

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