
Dec 14, 2009 10:53

Friday Night Lights continues to be amazing. Oh, my heart.


glee, books, fnl

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Comments 10

oatmeal_cookie December 14 2009, 16:18:29 UTC
FNL continues its amazing pattern of making me bawl my poor little soul out and love every second of it. Sigh. It hurts so much to think of Matt Saracen not being in the show anymore, and part of my brain refuses to accept it still. I'm going to miss him so much. His sendoff was beautiful though, and Matt and Julie in the car was so... I just... yeah.

Tim and Lyla break my heart in the best possible way. <3 I love them, even if they will probably never work out. I'm with you on Becky, omg I'm starting to actively dislike her now. I adore Luke. And I really want JD to be more than a spoiled, entitled douchebag, please. FNL is really good at ~keeping it real~, so I have (some) faith.

In conclusion: MATTY!!!!! Oh, my heart.


bigboobedcanuck December 14 2009, 16:29:24 UTC
I know, it pains me that Matt won't be around anymore. But at the same time, it pained me to see him going nowhere fast in Dillon. He deserves and needs so much more in his life. Because I am deeply invested in this fictional person, heh.

Poor Tim and Lyla. I was okay until he said, "Goodbye Lyla Garrity" with such love and finality. Sniffle!

Yeah, Becky's just not working for me. I mean, she's fine, and the actress is good, but I feel like she's getting way too much screentime. I want more Luke! I really liked the way he handled her being such a bitch. You go, Luke.

FNL is really good at ~keeping it real~, so I have (some) faith.Someone asked about it on Ausiello and Katims said we'd see the pressure on J.D. and how he's hiding behind his bravado. Something to that effect, which made me very hopeful. I'm disappointed Jeremy isn't a regular this year. First off because he's a terrific actor and he earned it last season, and second because so far J.D. has just swanned in to be a douche and hasn't had any character development or ( ... )


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bigboobedcanuck December 14 2009, 17:07:20 UTC
Yeah, I was bawling when they said goodbye. I do hope Julie and Matt are together in the end. I loved that he was upset that she lied to her parents! And yes, it was awesome when Coach said he trusts Matt. Honestly, you couldn't ask for a better son-in-law.

I really am going to miss him so much. Sniffle!

Becky continues to annoy me (in a believable teenaged girl way) so I guffawed when Tim told her to shut up while she was conversing about soulmates.

Yes, I loved that he told her to just shut up. She's a nice girl and means well, but I just wish I felt more of a connection to her. But it was slow build with Tyra, so who knows. Speaking of Tyra, it was nice to hear Landry mention her by name.

But it's funny because each of us (Team Peeta and Team Gale) is convinced that the other boy is the one Katniss is going to choose (and/or that our boy will be dying!!)Hee! I think Katniss would be very happy with Peeta, but that she'd never choose him over Gale if Gale survives. I don't know. I'm fairly confident Gale will make it and that ( ... )


charley_ryan December 14 2009, 18:11:11 UTC
I was disappointed that Matt didn't get a good-bye scene with his grandmother but hearing that he will be back later on this season makes me so happy. I'm glad we'll see him again. I just love him to bits.

The scene with the coach kicking JuniorDouchebag out of Sears was a blast. I love Luke and Vince. They need to win at least one game this season! It'd be even more fitting if that game was against the Dillon Panthers and it kept the Panthers from going to the state playoffs. What, me hold a grudge? Never! *G*


bigboobedcanuck December 17 2009, 00:47:28 UTC
I know, I did want a proper goodbye with Grandma. Some people think he just left without going in the house, but I say no way would Matt do that. No.


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bigboobedcanuck December 17 2009, 00:48:17 UTC
I was thinking the same thing. I don't think they have mentioned it lately, although obviously a season in the past has always been a season of football. I wouldn't mind if they changed that up.


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bigboobedcanuck December 17 2009, 00:50:01 UTC
Ha! Great minds read alike, clearly. :D

I definitely wouldn't hate Katniss ending up with Peeta, but there's something about Gale that gives him the edge for me. I think she truly is in love with him, which she *loves* Peeta, but not with the same deep passion (that she's not really aware of yet).

I really wish the book was here now! Gah. I hate waiting.


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