
Jul 27, 2008 17:44

The hat trick of actors I love doing stupid fucking things this week is complete. First Christian Bale allegedly assaults his mother and sister (!), then Sean Bean allegedly assaults his wife. Now Shia LaBeouf is arrested for drunk driving after an accident. Does Steven Spielberg have to smack a bitch? Jesus, don't throw away your life an career ( Read more... )

x-files, shia, mad men

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Comments 20

sizequeen July 27 2008, 21:51:28 UTC
The X-Files only cost 30 million to make. It'll probably make its money back with combined US and international ticket sales.

I do wonder why CC and Co. didn't release the movie in May before all the big blockbuster though...


bigboobedcanuck July 27 2008, 21:54:08 UTC
Yes, it probably will make the money back with international, but still. That is a FLOP. The studio was crazy for releasing it in the summer.

But I do hope against hope (I want to believe!) that this isn't the last of Mulder and Scully.


kammgirl July 27 2008, 21:56:24 UTC
You and I are so in sync about the shows we watch.


bigboobedcanuck July 27 2008, 21:59:29 UTC
Are you watching MM, too? I know you're big into XF, of course. :)


kammgirl July 27 2008, 22:03:08 UTC
Yep. I watched S1 a few months ago and got hooked. I will be watching it tonight. X-Files started when I was a Freshman in college (feels old) and it feels like a part of my history.


fleegull July 27 2008, 22:06:15 UTC
So excited about Mad Men tonight!


bigboobedcanuck July 27 2008, 22:25:43 UTC
Don Draper, in the house! I'm so curious to see what has become of everyone two years later. Should be good!


fleegull July 27 2008, 22:37:19 UTC
Jon Hamm is one hell of an actor and so damn sexy to boot!

This is one of the few shows that does not have a weak link in its cast, so pitch perfect!


pbanda July 27 2008, 22:43:35 UTC
Aww! That's disappointing for the X-Files movie. I didn't *love* the movie but I liked it a lot. It deserved a much higher rating than its 33% at Rotten Tomatoes. Plus I thought it set itself up nicely for a sequel, but with those numbers that probably won't happen. Oh well. At least we got to see Mulder & Scully one last time.


bigboobedcanuck July 27 2008, 23:16:50 UTC
Yeah, it is disappointing. I didn't love it, but it certainly wasn't worth 35%! Ouch. And yeah, a sequel is unlikely with those numbers. Woe.


hiddenw July 28 2008, 03:24:03 UTC
*sigh* that icon is too adorable.


mi_nion July 27 2008, 23:07:21 UTC
Sorry x-files, I am rarely a opening weekend person. I'll go see it eventually. I hope CC & Co do make a sequel and remember that part of what we loved about x-files was being scared.

Totally in live with MM. Kinda glad The Next Food Network Star leaked the winner so I can watch MM with everyone else.


bigboobedcanuck July 27 2008, 23:18:11 UTC
I really hope they do a sequel, but I'd be shocked if the studio greenlit one after these numbers.


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