(no subject)

Jul 27, 2008 17:44

The hat trick of actors I love doing stupid fucking things this week is complete. First Christian Bale allegedly assaults his mother and sister (!), then Sean Bean allegedly assaults his wife. Now Shia LaBeouf is arrested for drunk driving after an accident. Does Steven Spielberg have to smack a bitch? Jesus, don't throw away your life an career because you're too fucking stupid to take a cab. This had better be the wake-up call, Shia. For real.


In other news, The X-Files is dead and gone with a meager $10.2 million this weekend. Wow. I mean, WOW. That is bad. It really saddens me, because odds of ever having a sequel that wrapped up that whole 2012 alien invasion are extremely slim.


In happier news (finally!), Mad Men is back tonight. Please see this excellent picspam for a taste of how incredibly gorgeous this show is. So, so pretty!

Also, star Jon Hamm used to go to the Paley TV festival as a fan. How awesome is that? I ::heart:: him.

This picture sums up working in an office in the '60s so perfectly.

x-files, shia, mad men

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