QAF Fic: "The Twelve Years of Christmas" 11/12

Dec 30, 2004 21:45

Okay, it looks like the last part of this series won't be up until early next week. Oh well, it's not *too* long after Christmas. *g*

As always, thanks so much for the feedback and support, you guys are the best. Previous parts are here.

Brian stretched his legs out and sat back on the couch, groaning. “Jesus, Lindsay, I don’t think I’ve had this much food shoved down my throat since Emmett made us try all his new recipes in one sitting.”

Lindsay just smiled benignly and continued passing out coffee as the gang settled down in the living room.

Justin snorted and patted Brian’s knee. “Yeah, Brian, we really had to twist your arm to get you to eat tonight.”

Everyone giggled and Deb said, “If you can’t stuff yourself at this time of year, then when can you? I’d rather die than diet at Christmas.”

“Hear, hear!” Ted said, and Carl patted his protruding stomach as he gave Deb a big kiss on the cheek.

Brian ignored them and took a sip of his coffee. “Hey, I said Irish.”

Lindsay sighed as she settled down on the floor by the fireplace. “Oh, go get it yourself, you big baby.”

Jenny giggled and Michael whispered something in her ear that made her giggle even more. Then she whispered it to Ben, who grinned in that annoying Guy Smiley way.

Brian made a face and heaved himself up. “The service at this establishment has certainly gone downhill over the years.” He yelped as Justin smacked him on the ass, and tried not to smile until he was in the hallway. He was just outside the kitchen when he heard Gus’ raised voice.

“Why not?”

“Because it’s Christmas day and you’re spending it with your family,” Mel replied.

“This sucks! All my friends are allowed out,” Gus whined.

“I highly doubt that. You’re fourteen years old, Gus. In a few more years you can blow off your family for your friends, but not yet,” Mel said, as she started filling the dishwasher.

“I just want to go to Max’s house for a couple of hours. I’m Jewish, just like he is! So why does he get to have all the fun?”

Mel sighed. “Gus, you know very well that we celebrate both holidays in this house. So please just go back into the living room.”

“It’s not fair!”

“Who ever said life was fair?”

Gus’ eyes flashed. “I don’t have to listen to you!”

Mel’s patience was evidently at an end and her hands flew to her hips. “Gus-”

“You’re not my real mother.”

She said nothing, and Brian could see the hurt flicker across her face. He stepped into the room and slammed his cup of coffee on the counter, making both Mel and Gus jump. He stared at Gus. “What did you just say?”

Gus swallowed hard, and stayed silent.

“You apologize to your mother.” Brian’s tone was steely. “Now.” He and Mel may have butted heads over just about everything since the day they’d met, and she could be a colossal pain in the ass, but she’d been a good mother to Gus. He was damned if he was going to let his son take that for granted.

“I’m, I’m sorry,” Gus stammered, face flushed. His looked down, unable to meet their eyes.

Mel took a deep breath and let it out. “I should hope so. Now go to the living room and bring these cookies in.” She handed him a tin and he scurried away.

They looked at each other for a long moment until Brian picked up his coffee and said, “Got any booze?”

She smiled and took a bottle of Bailey’s out of the cupboard, pouring a generous shot in Brian’s mug before adding one to her own. She took a gulp. “Fucking teenagers.”

“Fucking teenagers,” he agreed.


Brian had barely loosened his tie when he heard angry voices from the floor below. At the top of the stairs he stopped and listened, then sighed heavily and quickly descended.

Justin was spreading a bunch of Rage layouts on the floor of his workspace while Gus stood off to the side, scowling.

“Gus, I don’t care if you have friends over, just don’t touch my work. It was all in sequence.”

“Well maybe if you didn’t leave your crap all over the floor, I wouldn’t have to.”

Brian cleared his throat to announce his presence and said, “And which ‘crap’ would that be, Gus?”

Gus looked at him and quickly looked away. “Nothing,” he muttered as he shoved his hands in his pockets. He’d grown a lot in the past year, and he was all bones and angles and confusion. Pimples had begun sprouting on his face, and he spent most of his time hiding under a baseball cap.

“I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard you.”

Justin stood up and sighed. “Never mind, Brian, it’s no big deal.”

“That’s not the way it seemed a minute ago.” He looked at Gus. “Why did you move Justin’s layouts? You know this is his space. That’s your room over there,” he said, nodding towards the fully enclosed bedroom he’d had built for Gus.

“Max and Eric were coming over, and I just didn’t want them to see.” He huffed in frustration. “I mean does everything always have to be so gay?”

Brian tried to keep his tone level. “Look, I know sometimes it must be hard-”

Gus suddenly exploded. “You don’t know anything! You think you’re so cool, but you’re not. You’re not! You’re old, so stop acting like you understand anything about me!” With that, he stomped off to his room and slammed the door.

Brian stood stock still and watched Gus’ door, as heavy silence descended. Finally, Justin came over and wrapped his arms around Brian’s waist from behind. He leaned his chin on Brian’s shoulder and said, “Fucking teenagers.”


Brian lay in bed, staring at the ceiling as Justin puttered around in the bathroom. Justin stripped off his t-shirt and underwear and flicked off the light before getting under the covers.

“It’s been four days,” Brian said, still staring up.

“Hmm? Four days since what?” Justin reached over and ran his hand across Brian’s chest.

Brian sneered, “If I have to tell you, then we really have a problem.”

A moment later, Justin was straddling Brian’s hips. “I’m afraid I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he teased.

“It’s been four days since I’ve had my dick in your ass.”

Justin reached down and cradled Brian’s balls gently. His tongue ran up Brian’s neck and he whispered, “Actually, I think it was my dick in your ass four days ago.” His finger found Brian’s hole.

Brian bit back a gasp and grasped Justin’s shoulders, pushing him off and back onto the mattress. “Whatever.”

Justin laughed. “Are you mad at me?” When Brian didn’t respond, Justin flopped down on his back and continued laughing.

Finally Brian couldn’t take one more fucking giggle, and said, “What is so fucking funny?”

“You are!”

“Oh really?” Now Brian was really getting irritated.

Justin sat up, still laughing, and looked down at him. “Gus called you ‘old’ today, and you’re freaking out. So, suddenly it’s a big deal that we haven’t fucked since Tuesday. Despite the fact that there have been, by my count, three blowjobs and two wanks, as the British would say.”

“I am not freaking out,” Brian spit.

“Yes, you are.” Justin tried to wipe the smile from his face and stroked Brian’s arm. He exhaled and got serious. “Look, Gus is just being an asshole. All kids think their parents are old and un-hip.”

Brian shrugged. It bugged him more than it should, he knew that. But it still bugged him.

Justin straddled Brian again. “So, are you just going to lie here and pout, or are you going to fuck my brains out, old man?”

They stared at each other for a long moment as the atmosphere suddenly changed. Brian grabbed the back of Justin’s head and pulled him down for a hard kiss, his tongue thrusting. He rolled over and pinned Justin beneath him on the bed. “Think you can keep up with me?”

Justin ground his hips up and nipped at Brian’s neck. “Fuck me. Hard.”

They kissed again, teeth clashing and tongues twisting. Their hands roamed, their cocks soon hard and leaking as they rubbed and tugged. Brian sat up and hauled Justin onto his hands and knees.

“Oh god, fuck me, Brian.”

Brian reached blindly for the lube and was quickly ramming into Justin with a grunt. Justin gasped and went down on his elbows as Brian stretched him open. For a few moments, Brian didn’t move, just ran his hand up Justin’s back, his fingers curling around his shoulder. His cock was deep in Justin’s ass and he savoured the hot, wet tightness.

He slowly pulled out almost all the way and slammed back in, his other hand clenching Justin’s hip. He started thrusting deeply, and Justin reached back and slapped Brian’s thigh, urging him on.

“You like that?” Brian asked, taking a deep breath.

“Fuck, yes,” Justin panted. “Do it harder. Fuck me harder, Brian.”

Justin’s words went right to his dick, and for a second Brian felt that familiar tingle in his balls. He slowed for a minute, getting quickly back in control.

“Please, Brian. More.” Justin reached back again and his nails raked down Brian’s thigh.

Brian growled low in his throat and thrust into him over and over, his fingers sliding on Justin’s slick skin as he gripped his hips at the perfect angle. They rocked back and forth together, both panting and sweating.

Finally, Brian reached around and pumped Justin’s cock twice, and as Justin’s ass clamped down around him, they both came with a moan. Brian shuddered and thrust again, prolonging the pleasure for as long as possible before collapsing on top of Justin.

He took a few breaths and kissed Justin’s shoulder, his tongue lazily tracing the red marks his fingers had left. He started to pull out, but Justin murmured, and instead Brian rolled them gently onto their sides.

After all these years, Justin still liked to fall asleep with it inside him.


The ski hill was packed with the post-Christmas crowd, and Brian wondered why the hell he’d volunteered to take Gus skiing. Especially after what the little asshole had said the day before. Of course, the ski trip had been planned weeks ago, when Gus’ teenaged rebellion was still somewhat charming.

The drive had been uneasily quiet, except for Justin’s attempts to start conversations, which had failed each time. Now Justin simply rested a hand on Brian’s thigh as they rode up the ski lift. Gus was behind them, sulkily sharing a lift with another kid.

At the top, they stepped off to the side to double their equipment and for Brian to give Gus a few last-minute instructions. Gus nodded wearily and insisted that he knew what he was doing. He headed to the lip of the hill, where he suddenly stopped and turned, much to the irritation of other skiers, who grumbled as they sidestepped him.

“Hey, Justin?” Gus bit his lip.


“Your work isn’t crap. And Dad? You’re cool. And I didn’t mean what I said. You know, about…the gay stuff. I was being a dick.”

Justin smiled and nodded, silently accepting the apology. Brian regarded his son evenly. “See you at the bottom of the hill.” He adjusted his gloves and added, “Sonny Boy.”

Gus smiled and relaxed, knowing that he was forgiven. “You know, you really are cool, Dad.” He grinned just before he headed off down the hill. “For an old guy.” Then he was gone, a spray of snow in his wake.

Justin laughed and squeezed Brian’s waist. “Think you can keep up with me?” He asked, as he moved to the edge of the hill.

“Gosh, I'll do my best, what with my fake hip and all.”

Justin shoved off and zoomed away, his laughter in his wake. Brian took his place at the top of the hill, just as big flakes of snow began to drift down lazily. He tipped his head back and opened his mouth, the wet snow melting on his tongue.

Looking down, he caught sight of Justin’s red coat zigzagging down the slope. He pushed forward, and followed.

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