(no subject)

Jan 03, 2005 15:02

So, the new year is here. I generally don't go in for resolutions, but this year I decided that it was about time I started giving to those less fortunate on a regular basis. When I donated to Doctors Without Borders last week, I noticed that they had an option for monthly giving. My knee-jerk reaction was that I can't afford that, and I clicked onto the one-time page.

But as the horrifying images kept coming and the death toll went up, I kept thinking about it. It occured to me that I spend $84 a month on digital cable. $84. And here I am thinking I can't afford to give something to a good cause every month? I try to imagine that I'm not a selfish person, but sometimes the evidence just speaks for itself.

So I signed up, and every month DWB takes something off my credit card (or it can come out of your bank account, if you so desire). It's nothing huge, but hey, it's something. I'm also going to try to remember to give more at home, too. Because I am very, very lucky to be living the life I am.
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