It's like December!

Dec 12, 2008 22:27

Since Mr. Pink and the Nippers have gone to BC a week before me, leaving my sorry ass in the desolate winter wasteland known as Our Nation's Capital, I have completed the following:
  • bought a 6 ft aluminum ladder to change a light bulb
  • written three chapters of the new original fic (what can I say?  It's bright, it's shiny)
  • watched incessant repeats of ( Read more... )

swdy, fanfic

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Comments 66

minim_calibre December 13 2008, 05:39:49 UTC




::does the dance of joy::


big_pink December 13 2008, 15:34:40 UTC
Who says that fanfic doesn't involve physical exercise?


tabaqui December 13 2008, 06:10:16 UTC
Hey, hey you!!
How are you? It's chilly here! We got snow!
*it already melted*
And i love scallops, mmmmmmmm....

*and i wrote rps, omg. j2!!*

It *is* like Christmas!
*twirls you madly*
Wheeeeee! I snagged, 'cause despite your twisted need to keep the boys from *talking*, and despite your stubborn refusal to tumble them into bed and make them happy, oh so happy, you are pretty much my most favorite spn author out there.
*grabby hands*


big_pink December 13 2008, 15:37:30 UTC

I looked at your LJ last night and wanted to say hi but then got too tired to actually read properly! How are things with you my dear?

We have a fuckofalot of snow and I hate it, but I live in the snow capital, so I should probably just get used to it.

I like to keep the boys unhappy. Look at my lj sub-name: all hurt, no comfort. I never claimed to be about rainbows and puppies.

The scallops were amazing, with a butter-shallot-wine sauce. I believe in cooking well, even when I'm alone. And if you don't have a nice meal, then you have no excuse for that glass of wine, right?


tabaqui December 13 2008, 16:04:17 UTC
Feeling more rested now?

I love snow, but we almost never get any measurable amount anymore. So frustrating!
*sigh* I'd like for *one* winter Monstrous to be able to build a snowman and sled and stuff.
*kicks the planet a little*

But! Rainbows happen *spontaneously*!! Sometimes, they get to catch a glimpse of one. :) Puppies, I like 'em to play with for a little but i don't wanna bring 'em home.

I'm a teetotaler, so i don't care about wine with my meal but i think if you love to cook and can do it well, there's no reason *not* to treat yourself to nice little meals. If i liked cooking, gods know i would.

*you know i luff, right? and that despite my teasing i luff your work and *you* and don't wanna change a thing about any of it, right?*



big_pink December 13 2008, 16:13:49 UTC
Indeed! I feel your luff from up here in the frozen tundra.

You may come up anytime with Monstrous and make snow people and angels and skate on the Canal and get Beaver Tails (hot bready things dipped in butter and sugar that they sell on the Canal) and generally spaz out in our Winter Wonderland. Me? I'll be digging out the car trying to figure out how to open the door that's frozen shut and stocking up on mittens.

I do love to cook, so that's a good thing. I'm usually very social and I like feeding people, and A2 loves everything I make (because he is, I'm afraid the standard-issue Absent Minded Professor, and cant' even make toast), so it's easy to feel warm feedback.

Come to think of it, that's kinda how I feel about writing, too!


dodger_winslow December 13 2008, 08:25:07 UTC
Big happydance of happy happy joy joy. Thank you for the most awesome Xmas pressie!


big_pink December 13 2008, 15:38:12 UTC
Hey, Dodge -- you're most welcome. I was really delighted to be able to give ANYTHING back to fandom after the lame-ass writer I've been for most of this year.


caffienekitty December 13 2008, 08:26:45 UTC
Huzzah! Not only are you alive, you brought awesomeness! Thank you! *plots to take over the printer at work monday*


big_pink December 13 2008, 15:39:26 UTC
I hear you're getting snow over there -- Professor Pink and the Kniblets circled Nanaimo for a while yesterday, and then were sent back to Vancouver, only to take the Duke Point ferry.

Don't get busted at work, darling -- I'm sure they'd be really understanding.


caffienekitty December 13 2008, 17:56:29 UTC
I hear you're getting snow over there -- Professor Pink and the Kniblets circled Nanaimo for a while yesterday, and then were sent back to Vancouver, only to take the Duke Point ferry.

Wow. I've never heard of that happening before! Nanaimo must've got seriously blasted. It snowed like mad part of yesterday further north where I am, then turned to rain, now it's bare, dry and colder than marmot nipples, but no snow at all. Higher elevations may have gotten pounded though, and it looks like it'll start snowing any second. It could be fun getting up to those elevations to do things today.

Don't get busted at work, darling -- I'm sure they'd be really understanding.

Considering I work ten hour days without a break and only mark down eight and a half hours and they know it, I think they'll be okay with it. :-) Plus I can pay cost. It's more of an issue of finding an hour or so where the machines and Cerlox binder are available and I'm not otherwise fully occupied by whichever epic crisises are currently unfolding in my department. ;-P


big_pink December 13 2008, 18:22:55 UTC
Well, you know what it's like when the Island gets snow -- everything shuts down. Just as well I say. It's nice to have a break.

Avoid epic crises and photocopy away!


gretazreta December 13 2008, 08:28:12 UTC
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.
That's really fantastically generous of you. I was of a mind to bid for this on Sweet Charity but I had less than no money in my bank account at the time (and in NZ dollars which are like, little tiny half dollars) and so I didn't. But boy, did I covet.

This is such a brilliant Christmas present. Honestly, I just.... *flails*. Without hyperbole I can't think of many surprise gifts that I would like more.

I'm delighted. Thank you so much... and Merry Christmas. :)


big_pink December 13 2008, 15:41:23 UTC
God, you're down in NZ? Professor Pink is a reformed NZer. He's never taken me, but it was such a delight to watch LotR with him, because he kept yelling at the screen about locations. And some of the extras in the background. He spotted at least 3 people he knew. He said that NZ a small place and if you know one actor or model, you pretty much know them all.

Merry Christmas to you too, sweetheart -- happy reading!


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