It's like December!

Dec 12, 2008 22:27

Since Mr. Pink and the Nippers have gone to BC a week before me, leaving my sorry ass in the desolate winter wasteland known as Our Nation's Capital, I have completed the following:
  • bought a 6 ft aluminum ladder to change a light bulb
  • written three chapters of the new original fic (what can I say?  It's bright, it's shiny)
  • watched incessant repeats of SYTYCD-C, because, yes, Nico Archambault does own my soul
  • missed three days of work because of stupid snow and a transit strike (combined with present insane Canadian politics, it's really a sign of the impending Apocalypse)
  • watched Dr. Phil because I am that lonesome without the Pinks
  • seared some scallops and served them up with a lovely chardonnay only to eat in front of my new BFF, the TV.

But, most of all...I HAVE A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR YOU ALL (if, of course, you want it)

Thanks to the amazing skills of morgandawn and smilla02 , I can now point you in the direction of my web site where you can download volumes 1-3 of Single White, Double Yellow: The Red Series.  That's a shitload of re-edited, reformatted fics, with scans of handwritten notes and maps, photos, a brand spanking-new foreword, and an amazing set of covers that smilla02 made for me because she is truly amazing.  Morgan did a fantastic job of not only putting up with my constant barrage of 'change this, no wait, I liked it better the way it was before!', but she made the whole project look easy.  Originally, we bound the volumes and offered them via Sweet Charity, but now you can enjoy the fruits of all our labours.  Ho-ho-ho.  Note: the PDFs are formatted for easy-printing on standard letter (8.5 x 11).

*does spazzy dance of sheer unmitigated joy*

swdy, fanfic

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