Reminder about selling out!

Oct 03, 2008 19:38

Hi everyone! Now I'm in Toronto! Isn't it amazing how I get around?

Since I'm so footloose (not in the Kevin Bacon way), I thought it best (for philanthropic reasons) to remind Folks That Give a Crap that the closing date for the Sweet Charity auction is tomorrow! That's right! Tomorrow!

I'm auctioning off two bound copies (each a double volume set with hundreds and hundreds of pages) of Single White, Double Yellow: The Red Series. This set contains all the stories I consider to be in the Red 'verse: Red, Dazzleland, DNR, Fire in the Hole, Verbal and The New Deal. All have been re-edited solely for this edition. The set also contains EXTRAS: an essay about how Red came about and what I Think It Means (god, could I sound more pretentious?), a missing scene (from The New Deal), personal notes for Red, Fire in the Hole and Dazzleland taken from my notebooks (no one's seen these before, trust me), a diagram from Dazzleland, location photos for Dazzleland, Red and The New Deal, as well as mondo new colour covers by our miss Smilla02.


Yeah, you want this. I retain all rights, of course, and I may reprint at some point if I get around to it, but right now? This is the big kahuna.

sweet charity

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