Song: Half Life - The Sneaker Pimps
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Vidder: cvalda
Summary: Slayer mythology filtered through trip hop.
Notes: Wanky response to latest Buffy rewatch. My second fanvid to this song (first was a
Who vid). Took forever due to various computer issues.
Comments 18
But if you ment it as "how did you interpret this vid"... For me it is about making a choice even in the circumstances that don't allow any choice. NOT being a Slayer is not an option, it was forced on them. But they all still make choice - between different aspects of slayerhood. Being a slayer is just a part of them.
Intention was actually bleaker than that - slayerhood, particularly singular slayerhood, as a form of alienation from self and community. The way that alienation also involved a hierarchy between Buffy and others (Faith, the Potentials, Nikki & Robin Wood). Very S7, with Chosen as the resolution. But what you say makes sense - slayerhood as a part of various people with different trajectories
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If you have any meta on the thoughts provoked, feel free to divulge, as mentioned upthread meta is my jam.
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and thanks again for that! I don't understand how people write fiction, even fanfic, it's not something my brain is wired for, whereas like you I'm somewhat visual and also quite interested in the interaction between visual movement and music. Half-jokingly I think 90% of vidding consists of avoiding the parts where people's lips are moving lol
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