Song: Half Life - The Sneaker Pimps
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Vidder: cvalda
Summary: Slayer mythology filtered through trip hop.
Notes: Wanky response to latest Buffy rewatch. My second fanvid to this song (first was a
Who vid). Took forever due to various computer issues.
But if you ment it as "how did you interpret this vid"... For me it is about making a choice even in the circumstances that don't allow any choice. NOT being a Slayer is not an option, it was forced on them. But they all still make choice - between different aspects of slayerhood. Being a slayer is just a part of them.
Intention was actually bleaker than that - slayerhood, particularly singular slayerhood, as a form of alienation from self and community. The way that alienation also involved a hierarchy between Buffy and others (Faith, the Potentials, Nikki & Robin Wood). Very S7, with Chosen as the resolution. But what you say makes sense - slayerhood as a part of various people with different trajectories
I like your idea of 'choice without a choice.' Guess I'd also say there's other things imposed on the slayers than slayerhood - obviously gender, but also race and class. So Faith didn't just make different choices to Buffy, she also didn't have the same support networks and resources - I thought Who Are You showed that quite well, hence zeroing in on that episode. Not sure I conveyed that well, but then, also went pretty hard on the ambiguity
"Minor character's fate" curse (if you are not a main character in supernatural show, you are screwed). Ones are naturally entitled to become the lead, others are not. Being a chosen one without actually being The Chosen One is a tough deal...
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