I was just thinking its been awhile since I've written on here, to remind you to go check my blog. IF you do have children, I have no idea where they are, so after you do read my blog, then go find them.
Man oh Man, my blog is cookin....GO LOOK... my visitor numbers are up, and I've finally fixed trackback and permalink troubles. (though few understand what those actually do
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OK... it's not that I dislike livejournal... I take it back.. I'm starting to enjoy it. Thing is, I've already got my blog going.. and I like it.. and I'd rather you read that!
Ignore this sentence.. and all words within it. This one too. All of this. I dislike livejournal. I'm pro-Blogger and blogging and all conjugations related. www.bicyclemark.org is where you would go to really ready my ish.