Day #9.Siamese Twins

Jul 26, 2010 23:40

First thought; it could only be of Ping + Jing [from Big Fish], partly because for Twins, conjoined or otherwise, they've got such different countenance its equally disarming as it is charming ...but mostly because they end up with Wandering Poet Laureate/Turned Bank Robber/Turned Wall Street Tycoon played by Steve Buscemi, which is a level of awesome I could never capture on paper.

  1. Self Portrait
  2. Imaginary Friend
  3. Most Recent Dream
  4. Re-Design Book Cover
  5. Childhood Memory
  6. Whats in Your Bag?
  7. Hybrid Animal
  8. Scene From a Movie
  9. Siamese Twins
  10. Super Hero
  11. Super Villain
  12. An Elderly Person
  13. A Freakin' Baby
  14. Portrait of a Pet
  15. A Dinosaur
  16. Draw Something with Your Eyes Closed
  17. A Delicious Food
  18. ZOMBIES!!
  19. Sea Creature
  20. Your Dream Job
  21. A Guilty Pleasure
  22. Favorite Cartoon Character
  23. Actor/Actress
  24. A Collage
  25. Best Friend
  26. Instrument
  27. Something w/ Sentimental Value
  28. Your Zodiac Sign
  29. The Meaning of Your Name
  30. Favorite Outfit

artist-shmartist, 30 day drawing challenge, meme

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