Lena Austen has been turned into her six-year-old self. It was a shock to wake up and discover she was no longer a woman in her twenties and instead, the child version of her. She's retained enough memories to recognize people from her adult life, but her mannerisms and her way of thinking are now that of a six-year-old. It's quite a dilemma. That'
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For the most part.
She's making her way down the street, and at first she ignores the talking mirror -- there seems to be enough strangeness wandering around the city as of late, but when she catches glimpse of who is behind the mirror, she does a double take and moves back.
And then she smirks.
"At least someone around here is telling the truth."
"Would it kill you to be on my side, woman?" John asks Bela, arms folded across his chest.
"Why be on the losing side?" the Mirror asks practically.
It won't be long before he notices the sound of those shackles.
For now, he is just completely offended by life.
She smirks a bit, before moving closer to look in the mirror herself, eying it with a careful business eye, because that's how she's used to looking at things like this. Mirrors -- they are complicated objects. You never know what someone could do to them.
"Besides. What fun is it if I'm on your side?"
He gives the mirror an exasperated look before turning back to Bela. "It'd be a lot of fun! My side is filled with fun. You cannot imagine all the sorts of perks people get just from choosing my side," John says to her matter-of-factly, noticing her inspecting the mirror.
"It just popped out of nowhere. Seems hellbent on finding the fairest of them all, though. And before you answer," he says to the mirror. "I get it's not me. Shut up."
Which, you know, is what she would do if she were in it's shoes. But she's not. She's in sandals and shackles. She thinks her affliction is a little more annoying.
John frowns and takes a step toward Bela. "...What's going on with you?"
And hope that later it goes away.
"Hmm. Now she has a lot of promise," the mirror says, nodding her approval of Bela. Shackles and all. Gives more of a mysterious aura.
She glances back at the mirror with a bit of a smirk, before looking back at her guardian. "Maybe you're just not the mirror's type."
"Please." He snorts. "I'm everyone's type."
Lightning sparks the mirror's edges. Apparently not, John.
Because this may be her first magic mirror, but she at least has enough sense not to make it angry.
"Can you believe the nerve of that thing?"
Magical talking items are just like people after all.
And that'll always be true, since he's not going anywhere.
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