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Comments 98

fuckinpenguins October 26 2010, 23:52:13 UTC
Deb knows a little something about cursing a blue streak.

She's taking a quick run through the park that will be followed by the inevitable cup of coffee when she spots the woman, who appears to be cursing at a patch of grass that's on fire. She slows down and walks over to her.

"You okay?"

It's an obvious question, but Deb's a cop. She's used to getting those kinds of questions out of the way.


enjoythe_ride October 26 2010, 23:59:01 UTC
Bela glances over at the voice, before trying to keep the annoyance out of her voice. She isn't trying all that hard however.

"Me? Oh, I'm just brilliant."

Yeah. Really not trying that hard.


fuckinpenguins October 27 2010, 00:05:28 UTC

Deb steps a little closer, glancing down at the fire. It doesn't seem to be spreading or anything, but it's still a fucking fire, and the girl seems to be having trouble putting it out.

"So, what's with the fuckin' campfire?"


enjoythe_ride October 27 2010, 00:38:15 UTC
"It's Chicago. They bloody pop up wherever they damn well please."

Okay. That's not entirely true. But it's the story she's sticking to for right now.

"I saw it when I was passing by, and it just won't go out."


consumesflesh October 27 2010, 00:32:08 UTC
Sunshine would be busy helping Bela put out this fire, but instead, she's just kind of observing it. She likes the way that it licks at the grass, the way that it spreads. It's like it's supposed to exist that way, which she's okay with.

"You know," she says after a moment, "I guess the grass probably doesn't appreciate it when you do that, huh?" Especially when there hadn't even been any warning.

She drops her pack on a bench and pulls out a waterbottle, handing it to the girl. "I'd refrain from lighting stuff on fire in public if you don't want the cleffies on your ass."

Yeah. Sunshine's just going to assume that spontaneous fire near Wanderers was caused by the Wanderer. It makes sense in her head. Wanderers are always doing stuff like that, or something.


enjoythe_ride October 27 2010, 00:44:37 UTC
Bela snatches the water bottle from her -- it's not intentional, but she's annoyed, and proceeds to poor it out over the fire. It goes down after a minute and she relaxes.

"I didn't do it on purpose." And that much is the truth. She didn't intentionally look to start a fire, it just ... happened. She glances down at the bottle in her hand, before turning to hold it back to the other woman. "I'll replace that for you."

She isn't going to say thank you. She figures it's implied.


consumesflesh October 27 2010, 00:47:18 UTC
"It's just water," Sunshine says, waving her hand, trying to point out to Bela that she shouldn't worry about it. It's not like Sunshine isn't stealing most of her food from the Kashtta anyway. And water bottles refill. All that jazz. "I'm sure that Smokey the Bear will thank me soon enough. Only I can prevent forest fires. Not that Grant Park is a forest, but you get my drift, yeah?"

She takes the water bottle back and tucks it in her pack. "Although, if you like starting fires, I'd probably get that under check. Probably not the best thing to do be doing willy nilly, yeah? Might hurt someone."


enjoythe_ride October 27 2010, 02:11:04 UTC
"It's new," she sighs softly. "I'm not even sure how I did it in the first place."

That was as honest as Bela was probably going to get on the subject. She isn't even sure if she wants to control it, but she knows that if this is going to be happening frequently, she better figure it out.


ohshiny_tomatos October 27 2010, 02:51:25 UTC
Parker is out and about today doing her Parker thing. Actually, she's scoping a couple places out and checking their security. She's bored, and picking pockets and lifting little things here and there isn't enough for her anymore. She wants to get something big. Even if she puts it back, she needs to go for something big.

So she's casing a few different place around the city today. Now, though, she's hungry. She wants to take a break. She stops and buys herself a hot dog and a soda and walks around a bit as she eats, the can is tucked into her arm. She ambles into the park, half of her hot dog gone, and comes to a stop behind Bela. Her head tilts as she takes another bite.

"Fire," she says, as though alerting Bela. Not that she sounds too panicky about it.


enjoythe_ride October 27 2010, 03:02:39 UTC
Bela turns to face Parker behind her and fixes her with a glare. "Well, aren't you a bloody genius."

She doesn't mean to be mean, but she's honestly not in the mood today. She'll probably apologize it for it later.


ohshiny_tomatos October 27 2010, 03:22:20 UTC
Parker steps back. She doesn't like that tone, not at all. So far she hasn't thought Bela is all that bad. A little annoying in trying to tell Parker she can't have Sophie places, but not bad. But this? She doesn't like this.

Her eyes narrow slightly. She isn't too sure how to respond to that, but she finishes chewing her food and swallows it, before looking at her arm. Then she pulls her drink from her arm and hands it out to Bela.

"Here," she says quietly.


enjoythe_ride October 27 2010, 21:09:17 UTC
After she sees the look on Parker's face, Bela feels terrible, but instead of apologizing, she just takes the drink and pours it over the fire. She waits for it to go out, before turning back to Parker with a small smile.

"Thank you," she says softly. "I'll buy you a new one."


likely_evil October 27 2010, 04:09:50 UTC
Sam walks through the park on a daily basis, sipping from his water bottle. Part of his daily rounds to learn about this place. So of course he sees fire and makes his way over to help.

But then he sees Bela and just smirks. "You know, water usually puts out fires better than heels."


enjoythe_ride October 27 2010, 21:06:15 UTC
Oh, Sam, normally Bela would have a smart ass response for that, but right now she's just pissed off and not really in the mood to verbally spar. So she's just going to glare daggers at you.

"That information would be so very useful ... if I happened to have some."


likely_evil October 27 2010, 21:12:52 UTC
He rolls his eyes and holds out his water bottle. Because he's just a helpful guy like that.

"Dean told me you were around here somewhere."


enjoythe_ride October 27 2010, 21:16:34 UTC
She takes the water bottle to pour it over the fire, but something in what he says makes her pause. Not long enough to not put out the fire, but enough.

" ... You needed Dean to tell you that? Is there something wrong with your memory, Sam?"

See, here's the thing. Dean told Castiel and Jo that Sam had left Chicago, but nobody bothered to tell Bela. So Sam not realizing she was here, when they've had a full conversation previous to this one is confusing her just a little.


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