The answers are out there in the drowning deep...

Apr 02, 2008 14:55

Juliet Burke is sitting crosslegged on the floor of the common room with her elbows resting on her knees and her chin in her hands, staring into a large bowl of water. It would occur to most people that this is rather odd behavior. Juliet doesn't seem to notice (or it could be that she simply doesn't care).

She first noticed when she was fetching ( Read more... )

juliet burke, aiden mori, johnny smith

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Comments 34

aidenfiresblue April 2 2008, 20:18:55 UTC
Aiden is standing in the doorway, watching Juliet manipulate the bowl of water. That's not why he originally came, of course; he was going to relax and sketch a little. But, having seen Juliet manipulate water the way he manipulates fire, he's suddenly found something infinitely more interesting to do.

"It would appear that you've got Water Elemental abilities," he states at last, a few moments after she lets the water slosh back into place.


neverinportland April 2 2008, 20:28:23 UTC
She jumps a little, because being completely lost in thought tends to make one less aware that there are people watching her.

"Is that what it is?" She says, dryly, giving the water a rather discontent look. "I thought maybe I was chosen by God to lead the Jews to a land of milk and honey... Which would be quite a sight since I'm not actually Jewish."

Sarcasm is the perfect defense for dealing with situations she doesn't like. It was something she and Jack had in common.


aidenfiresblue April 3 2008, 00:48:35 UTC
Aiden laughs. "I'm not entirely sure I get the reference, but oh well... Anyway, I'm a Fire Elemental, so this is good news for me." He pauses, then says, "I'm trying to find several different kinds of elementals. In my experience, if you have the four elements working together, you tend to get better results."

Another pause, then he adds, "And I might be able to help you with controlling it. Even though I'm still figuring out how to control my own abilities. We can learn that together, actually."


neverinportland April 3 2008, 01:01:44 UTC
She waves him off. "Right. Different world. I forgot."

She gives him a look. It's not that she doesn't like Aiden, because she does. He's a very nice guy, but... Well, she has this thing about being conscripted into things she barely understands since it ended so badly before. She debates pointing that out, but decides against it, because... What the hell, right? It's not like he's going to drag her off to an island full of Elementals and never let her leave or anything.

"I guess so," she shrugs. "It's not like they have classes on this sort of thing."

She dangles her hand over the bowl and curls and uncurls her fingers like she's urging the water forward. It rises a little until it touches her knuckles and then slinks back into the water with another neat little splash. "This is so weird."

Yes. Weird like an island with polar bears and smoke monsters. She should be used to weird by now, but at least the island didn't give her the ability to control water.


just1touch April 3 2008, 01:24:22 UTC
Johnny has been passed out on a couch in the common room for quite some time. He wakes up every now and then when a headache hits. Usually, he stays to his room. It's better than sleeping out here, enduring headache after headache, and lapse in memory and ability to speak only to have people asking him if he's alright. Besides, he's been fairly anti-interacting with anyone when to put it bluntly, 'the end is near'.

He's been watching her play with water since he last woke, hands behind his head, which isn't hurting for once (just filled with immense fuzziness).

"Neat trick you've got there." There's a hint of quiet understanding in his words. He can tell she's not exactly happy about it... and well, he's been there. In a manner of speaking. To want normality and have powers thrust upon him.


neverinportland April 3 2008, 01:34:10 UTC
Juliet looks up abruptly and gives him a small, tight smile that suggests that she gets the quiet understanding and is merely being polite in response to his words.

"I guess it has potential if we have to have an exodus across Lake Michigan and we want to go out with a little flair."

She frowns a little, trying to remember if she knows this man or not- it's so hard to keep track- but sometimes names stick even if she's never met someone in person- journals, passing conversation, all that factors in. "You're... Johnny, right?"


just1touch April 3 2008, 01:58:06 UTC
"An exodus across Lake Michigan." Johnny repeats, with a much wider smile as he settles his gaze to the ceiling. "It somehow loses a certain... epic element when the words Lake Michigan come into play, but the Red Sea or Lake Wherever, doing that to it will give the trip plenty of flair."

Johnny, who is having issues with his memory at the moment, cannot trust himself to know if he's met her before or not, but since she seems unsure about his name. He doesn't feel so bad about not knowing hers.

"Yes, that's me." He glances, sideways at her, still smiling. The constant pain in his head (near immune to any pain killer that won't simply knock him out at this point) has become easy to push aside over time. "I'm afraid I can't even make a wild stab at your name. Well, I could, but... it'd probably be easier on you if you just, y'know... told me."


neverinportland April 3 2008, 02:09:11 UTC
She shrugs a little, grinning. "This is, of course, assuming I can part anything more than a puddle either way, so even if it was just the lake, I'd still consider it pretty epic."

Of course, she doesn't trust herself not to freak out and kill everyone by losing her focus on such an endeavor, so she's hoping an exodus never happens.

Her smile widens a bit. "I'm Juliet Burke, fertility doctor, current Rift refugee, and..." She pauses, looking back down at her bowl of water, "...Water conquerer, apparently."

And more besides. Juliet's a complex woman. Sometimes she doesn't even understand herself.


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