you can't take that away from me

May 30, 2010 19:01

Since the Conrad explosion, one Rusty Hunt has been missing from Chicago. Well, honestly he hasn't been missing. The Rani knows exactly where he is. He's been being taken care of just as well as the other creatures she snagged. Really, it's all the same to her. The brain structures of the Gallifreyanoids on this planet are just as similar to her ( Read more... )

jessi jackson/lily fuchizaki, eden-3001 72-833041, mizuno ami/sailor mercury, katherine kirschenbaum, jane, the rani (au), matoi tsunetsuki, tabitha claypool, elizabeth jules, wes gannon, sunshine destiny willow albright-higgins, 040798-332, keilidh sixgriffe, the unnamed angel, molly satomi fuchizaki

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Comments 107

trivialsublime0 May 31 2010, 01:56:31 UTC
When Rusty wakes up, he starts to freak out.

Who wouldn't? He has no idea what the hell is happening.

From his mouth comes a near endless string of "What the fucks?"

He really hopes that this is a very, very bad trip.

Maybe he took some new experimental drugs and this--

Whatever this is is the result. Yeah. That's it. That's what's happening. He has to remain still, shut his eyes, and wait for it to pass.


cantbelocked May 31 2010, 02:01:03 UTC
The demon's references to sexual reproduction aside, his vitals seem to be coming back well. Which is a good thing. Ever since her TARDIS has gotten moody, she can't be entirely sure if the electrical systems won't up and fail on her. She just can't have perfectly good specimens dying on her. It just wouldn't do.

"I'm going to need you to open you eyes," she says, almost sounding bored. "Otherwise, I can't do a full retinal exam."

If he doesn't open them willingly, she'll have to use electrostimulus to do so. It would be far easier for him to just open them on his own. But in the long run, it doesn't matter to her.


trivialsublime0 May 31 2010, 04:21:52 UTC
Rusty opens his eyes when she tells him to, if only because this is starting to seem to real to be drug related.

"Who the fuck are you and where am I?"

He is trying to sound angry.

Mostly, he sounds really freaked out.


cantbelocked June 4 2010, 20:51:34 UTC
And the retinal scans seem to go well enough. It doesn't do anything for her wish to smack him upside the head for his continued references to the process of sexual reproduction where they aren't in order. She could tell him where he is. But she doesn't have to.

Do you tell the animals why you're butchering them, or do you just lead them to the slaughterhouse. The Rani whistles to herself as she picks up a laser saw. She reaches out with her spare hand and presses his head against the back of the chamber. There's a snapping noise, and his body is held rigid against the back.

"If you stay calm, there's less of a chance of brain damage," the Rani says, holding up the laser saw to Rusty's forehead, starting to painlessly split the skin and skull. Not that she really cares.


suchasound May 31 2010, 02:22:42 UTC
Jane steps into the lobby of Biosys International.

She is neither late or early. After all, Jane arrives exactly when she means to.

In terms of the interview time, Jane is ten minutes early, moving calmly through the doors. She is far too old and certain of her own skills to feel nervous. If they don't want her here, there are other places that she could set her interests. Her life is her own.

She won't interrupt another person's conversation, but she does step directly up to the desk to make her presence known. Her expression remains polite and patient. She even offers a small smile to the girl on the same side of the desk as her.


biosys_intl May 31 2010, 02:27:04 UTC
"I just don't see--" Lily starts, but Ash cuts her off.

"Sugar, honey bun, I gotta do what they pay me for now," she gently lets the smaller girl down. Proper deflation is important. Although, the question in everyone's mind is what do they really pay Ashley for? No one seems to know. It's not clear if Ash knows.

"You must be Jane," she says, looking at Jane carefully. "If you'll just come this way with me, hun, we'll take this somewhere more private."


doyoulikecake May 31 2010, 03:44:40 UTC
Kaden is the master of impeccable timing. That or he's been lurking, watching his sister and Ash interact. He's wary of Ash -- has been since he learned what she could do, or as much as she'd let anyone learn -- and though he's angry at his sister at the moment, he still doesn't want the two of them anywhere near each other.

Of course, when Jane walks in, it seems like a good time to collect said sister and go home, so he stops being a lurking creepster and actually moves out into the lobby, offering everyone a smile. "Hey everyone, Jane," he says, nodding in the woman's direction and flopping an arm around Lily's shoulders. Yeah, he's been ignoring her the past few days, but no need to let everyone know that. "I'd stay and chat, but we've got things to do and interventions to conduct." He gently starts moving Lily away, toward the door. No, she doesn't know that they're going to go forcibly drag Molly out of her room in a few hours -- well, she might now -- but not knowing things never really hurt her ( ... )


idontlikecake May 31 2010, 03:59:23 UTC
"Intervention?" Lily asks, blinking slowly. She looks at Kaden's arm around her, as if she just can't quite make out why he's touching her at all. Appearances, of course. But still -- this is a bit much.

She looks away, back towards the floor, the pictures of submissive. "It was nice talking to you, Ash," she says, clasping her hands together, and waiting for Kaden to make the first move to leave. It's all on him right now. It has to be, considering she screwed up.

She should have had more control.


smithnjones May 31 2010, 07:34:59 UTC
Martha Jones has not been sleeping well. When she gets exhausted enough, she heads into her room to sleep for as long as her mind will let her.

She leans down to pull out the alcohol bottle from under her bed when she's greeted with the sight of a girl under her bed.

Martha screams. She rarely ever screams or startles, but there's no possible way to react to someone lying unexpectedly under a bed.

"What are you doing?"


jiiiii June 5 2010, 02:41:54 UTC
"What are you doing?" Matoi asks, her eyes slowly turning red as she regards Martha. First it's yellow, then it's decidedly orange, but they settle on red. Because obviously, it's much more important to know what Martha's doing in her own room.

It's always more important to ask questions than to answer them. She doesn't have to be nice.


smithnjones June 6 2010, 22:20:33 UTC
"I was going to get something from under my bed when I ran into a girl instead," Martha says, and she's a little distracted by those eyes. "A girl with eyes that change color. Apparently."

She pulls back.

"Mind coming out from under there?"

Because if she does mind, Martha is more willing to attempt to physically pull her out.


jiiiii June 8 2010, 05:36:42 UTC
"There's no liquor under here," Matoi says vaguely, refusing to come out from under the bed.

That might be because she raided the entire building for alcohol, in order to replenish Owen's stash. But that was like, yesterday. There's certainly no alcohol, though. Martha will have to deal.

As for minding coming out... well, she doesn't feel like answering that. If Martha wants to try and deal with it, she can try. Extracting Matoi seems far easier than it actually is, though.


monsterinstinct May 31 2010, 14:56:17 UTC
At some point, Ami will find that she has company in the form of a girl who looks mostly human, save for a few slight details. Kae recently discovered that her tail looks fake enough to the people here that if she doesn't ever move it, they just think she's some weirdo wearing a fake tail. Her horns are easily covered with a hat as well, so there she is. Passing, she hopes.

Right now, she's headtilting at the rubble, trying to figure out what happened.


almosttooloyal June 7 2010, 04:25:18 UTC
It's difficult for Ami not to notice basic changes in physiology. Her glasses have her scanner built in (Torchwood wouldn't have anything less), so even when she's "off-duty," such as now, she's scanning for "alien" tech. In Japan (why did all the crazy aliens come to Japan?) that phrase was used very loose and fast. Still, she doesn't really hold it against the girl; so many people here scan as "alien" that she hasn't given the scanner much stock as of late.

The look at the rubble, however, is a look she's pretty sure she understands. She herself doesn't know the story, but still. She thought they'd at least do something about the damage.

"It's been like that the entire time I've been here," she says softly. The words don't out her as a Wanderer; even if she's positive the girl is part of the supernatural community, she doesn't want to run into the wrong kind of supernatural. Always play it safe until you can't anymore. "You'd think they'd have at least cleaned it up."


monsterinstinct June 8 2010, 02:18:50 UTC
"Maybe they don't want to," Kae offers after a moment of blinking at Ami. She's getting better with the talking-to-strangers thing. It's not so impossible anymore. This is a good thing.

"...I don't know why they wouldn't, though."

It seemed like a good explanation at the time.

She toes a little piece of rubble with the tip of her boot.


almosttooloyal June 8 2010, 05:39:20 UTC
There are lots of reasons Ami can think of. Most of them, she'd prefer not to think about at all, though, as they involve people trying to hold onto the memories of those they love. She's still holding onto memories like that, but she doesn't even have a place to tie them to anymore. She wishes she could just go back to Tokyo, so she could at least not feel so out of place, but she has obligations to Torchwood Chicago now.

And Japan might break her heart.

"I'm sure they have their reasons," she says softly, looking down at her toes with a small smile. She's not happy; it's been a long time since she's been happy. But it's way easier to smile.


doyoulikecake June 6 2010, 04:07:00 UTC
Kaden's also in Molly's sorority house, now that he and Lily have gotten off work. (Early, no less.) More precisely, he's leaning on the doorjamb of Molly's door, knocking softly and persistently.

"Molly," he calls through the door. "If you come to the door I'll reconsider the fact that I'm not speaking to you." He's not really expecting it to work, but it amuses him to say, at the very least.


ilikeyourcake June 7 2010, 04:34:07 UTC
While there really is nothing better to bribe Molly with than Kaden's attention, she's in too much of a stupor to even process bribes. Besides, even if she could process what Kaden's talking about, she's listening to her tapes, listening loud enough to drown out his knocks and his voice.

She listens to the tapes and records at the same time. She stares blankly at the ceiling, speaking in a fast monotone, almost completely devoid of external stimulation.


doyoulikecake June 8 2010, 06:16:11 UTC
When Molly doesn't come to the door, Kaden shrugs to himself. It's not like he was expecting her to, really, but the fact that she didn't just confirmed his suspicions about her state of mind. As if her replies to his journal entry hadn't already.

He tries the handle before digging anything to lockpick out of his bag, and to his surprise, it's actually open. Well, that's easier, at least.

He walks in until he's as close as he can get to his cousin without actually stepping on her, then looks down and smiles. "Hello, Satomi," he says, waving a hand in front of her face. "Time for dinner."

Okay, it's totally not, but he knows this could take awhile. And even if it doesn't, well, the edgier she is come dinnertime, the better he'll look in comparison.


ilikeyourcake June 8 2010, 06:23:29 UTC
There are many things that Kadens are good for. Kadens are not, however, good for sensory deprivation. And Molly needs her sensory deprivation right now so she can truly focus on her work.

She's not sure if there's really a Kaden there, or if it's a figment of her imagination. She's not sure the last time she slept, so she's pretty sure it's the latter.

She reaches to her side lazily, grabbing the eyemask she occasionally uses while sleeping through extra-bright days, pulling it on.

Hey look. No more hands waving in her face. This is awesome. She'll keep with the recording now, kay thanks.


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