my heart goes boom boom boom

Mar 09, 2010 19:20

It's an explosive evening in Chicago., really.

Daniel Faraday's had a little accident with his lab, you see. He didn't quite blow it up completely, but the flash of light that he unintentionally produced was pretty epic.

That was a little earlier. Now, he's outside the Conrad, looking a little shaken but otherwise okay. His brain hasn't cooked ( Read more... )

maxwell smart, the baron, rogue, john dorian (j.d.), sunshine destiny willow albright-higgins, winny carpenter, daniel faraday, glen barrett

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Comments 55

touchme_n_die March 10 2010, 03:04:58 UTC
Maxwell Smart, have an overconfident Southern belle wearing oven mitts. She's spotted the explosions from overhead.

She's got no real problem with explosions. There's a natural curiosity, of course, as to why this guy is blowing stuff up in what appears to be a random fashion, but hey.

Folks do what they do.

Because swords, explosions, and nothing else that should intimidate her does, she walks right on up to him.

"Hey there. You mining for somethin' or just working off steam?"


bythatmuch March 10 2010, 03:12:22 UTC
Max glances over at her, taking note of the oven mitts (oven mitts?) then shrugs like this is No Big Deal. "Getting rid of things I don't need," he answers, flipping one of his last explosives into the air.

It lands near a tree. Now there is half a tree.

He flinches. "Oops."


touchme_n_die March 10 2010, 03:23:05 UTC
"Gettin' rid of things you don't need," she repeats. "Well, that's always a good thing, I suppose. Make room for the stuff you do need." She gives him a friendly smile. It's extra bright to take the attention away from the oven mitts.

She watches the tree get demolished and laughs. "Wow."

"It's a shame you're just gettin' rid of all that stuff, though. Handy lil' bombs things. I reckon they'd be good in a fight, yeah?"


bythatmuch March 10 2010, 03:33:55 UTC
"Ah." He waggles a finger at her. "That's where you're wrong. I don't need them to fight." Anymore.

Max thinks nothing of the fact that he just destroyed millions of dollars of CONTROL technology. CONTROL doesn't exist here, so what does he care? Is Chief going to find a way through the Rift just to yell at him? Doubtful.

For a second, he reflects on how totally disconnected he's become from his old home, and frowns-but the feeling passes and the frown fades. "I have this now," he then says, indicating the sword.


sensi_doctor March 10 2010, 03:58:34 UTC
JD wanted to spend the night in the Conrad. There's no reason for it really, except he was feeling nostalgic. The first time that he met Nate... it was in the basement.

He stops when he notices Dan in front of the doors. JD starts to smile though it slips into a frown. It's always been easy for him to read people, and he can tell that Dan looks... a bit shaken. He will not hug him. Yet. The urge to do so is there though! It's just what JD does with his friends.

"Hey," JD says, still frowning in concern. "Are you okay?"


findaconstant March 10 2010, 13:24:23 UTC
Dan blinks up at JD from the pages of his journal, looking a little startled. "Oh." He lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, then shakes his head. "JD. Hey. Yeah," handwave, "I'm fine. I just- yeah. There was a... thing. Um. Explosion."


"But I'm okay!"


sensi_doctor March 11 2010, 00:27:09 UTC
JD nods, smiling a little, because apparently Dan's nonchalance made JD miss the meaning of that one key word.

"Oh, okay. If it was only a-- ...Wait..." He stares at him. The smile fades off of his face, replaced by an expression of shock. "There was an explosion?"

JD flails and gets closer to him, examining him from top to bottom to see if there's any any injury.

"How? Why? Where? Were you in the middle of it? How come you look so... not like bitty bits of person... on the pavement...?"


findaconstant March 11 2010, 23:51:17 UTC
"It wasn't like a... kaboom explosion." It was more of a don't do that to the space-time continuum, Dan sort of thing. He looks off to the side and shrugs. "I'm okay. Some of my equipment might be damaged, though."

And then there's the dead guy Dan doesn't know about. Oops.


consumesflesh March 11 2010, 06:09:56 UTC
Sunshine stares a doom stare at Max. He has a sword. This means she can challenge him. Challenge him.

This is very serious. Challenges always are. She learned this from movies.

Clearing her throat, she points her katana towards Max. "What is your name, stranger?" she asks, making her voice low and husky for extra awesome. "And what makes you think you can prowl these lands unchallenged?"


bythatmuch March 11 2010, 23:48:07 UTC

Max's hands fly up in a 'don't hurt me!' sort of way as he stares at her katana, eyes wide. "I don't- I mean, I'm not... my name's Max. DON'T KILL ME."


consumesflesh March 13 2010, 19:43:39 UTC
"Perhaps you should have thought about your life before you decided to carry in public, one named Max," Sunshine says, lowering her head as she looks at him. She shifts the grip on her katana, doing her very, very best not to break into giggles. Challenges are serious business. She can't just go and start giggling to death. That would ruin her badassery.

And Sunshine is pretty sure that if they were in a movie right now, they would have to do a still frame for a moment on her for a second before cutting to both of them staring at each other.

Well. They would. If he didn't look like he was about to wet himself. Maybe this is just further proof of her badassery.


bythatmuch March 14 2010, 23:05:44 UTC

But his feet seem to be stuck. Of course.

He stammers unintelligibly for a few seconds, making flaily motions with his hands. "I- um. I am peaceful," he says, trying to sound serious. "I am a warrior... of peace. I will not die by my weapon!"

He doesn't even know what he's saying. Just that they are words.


marchforthedead March 15 2010, 01:36:35 UTC
Tomei is well-acquainted with ellipses. He is a good friend to them, in fact.

Unfortunately, there are not enough ellipses in the world to fill the mental gap left by the sight of Max blowing the shit of Grant Park.

Give him a minute.

Or, you know, two.

"...Ah..." He raises a hand, then lets it drop. "...Why are you doing this?"


bythatmuch March 15 2010, 03:09:26 UTC
Max spins on his heel to face Tomei, tossing another little exploding thing over his shoulder and beaming like a proud ray of crazy sunshine. "Sensei!"

You did this, Tomei. Remember that. YOU DID THIS.

"I am ridding myself of the weapons I no longer need!"


marchforthedead March 15 2010, 05:43:34 UTC
"Sen... What does this mean?" He rests his face in one hand with a longsuffering sigh. "You kill the plants."

THE PARK, MAX. THE POOR PARK. He flails slightly. "This... A shepherd learning to fight with slings doesn't throw away the rod, yes?"


bythatmuch March 15 2010, 13:57:13 UTC
Tomei needs to stop making sense and having points. Max looks at him for a moment, then frowns, then sighs. "I can't keep this stuff! What if it fell into the wrong hands, hm? Then there would be body parts all over instead of dirt. I am doing the city a service. I am also doing myself a service by removing temptation."


kineticmachine March 17 2010, 18:43:57 UTC
Arlin has also ventured out for the first time in months -- well, ventured out for something other than 'going to work', 'going home' or 'getting food' -- and the flashes in Grant Park have also attracted his attention. At first, he wasn't sure if it was a fight or something he should stay away from, but now that he's seen that it's just some idiot blowing things up with no rhyme nor reason, he's resolved that it's none of his business.

He's also noticed Barrett's staring. "Let the idiot blow himself up," he says, nodding to the man's cell. "Consider it: in this city, if the police got a call regarding explosions, how fast, exactly, would they respond? The job will be done by the time they get here."


grin_and March 18 2010, 22:49:42 UTC
Glen peers over at his company, then shrugs. Dude has a point. "Yeah, but-" He wrinkles his nose. "Call me old fashioned or something, but I find people blowing things up for no reason highly unsettling. Really, who blows up grass?"


kineticmachine March 21 2010, 17:36:57 UTC
Here is Arlin's incredulous stare, Glen. doesn't really look that much different from his normal stares. But take the narration's word for it, it is incredulous. Because has this man existed in Chicago? Who doesn't blow up grass?

Well, Arlin would count himself among Those That Do Not Blow Up Grass (Or Other Things For That Matter), but that's hardly the point. He tends to not count himself among the citizens of Chicago, anyway. He's sane, after all. Also, above them.

"In this city, I don't particularly find it surprising that someone would," he says after a moment.


grin_and March 24 2010, 00:26:30 UTC
When you live in a basement, you kind of tend to not notice things like this. The blowing up of grass is a totally new experience, for him, and he is deeply unsettled. He looks to Arlin with a bit of a twisted-up expression. "Yeah?"

He supposes Arlin may have a point, from what he's seen and heard in his time here, but... still. What.


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